Maria Grip

Maria Grip


Maria Grip


The House at the End of the Forest
Astrid goes to her family's summer cabin, her childhood's safe heaven, after having been brutally attacked by a stranger. Soon the secure and comfortable family reunion Astrid had hoped for turns into a nightmare when the stranger returns with a group of accomplices. What from the start seems to be a matter of home intrusion soon turns into something much darker and surreal.
Best Before
To cope with major life changes, three older pals take a cruise, where a former lover on board puts stress on the trio's friendship.
Die Beauty
En un pequeño pueblo de Suecia, un grupo de chicas desean que pase algo emocionante. Un cuerpo flotando en el rio podría serlo. Una historia sobre las relaciones de amistad y de família tan visibles como invisibles.
Truth or Dare
Sabina's mother
Summer holiday is over. Nora begins sixth grade and is drawn to intrigues and doesn't really know what side she's on. Or wants to be on. On one hand she feels sorry for the bullied Karin, one the other hand she wants to be friends with tough Fanny and Sabina.
Blankt vapen
Rickard, a young man, helps to illegally transport a medieval icon from Germany to Sweden. The icon possesses remarkable forces. Strange things happen. Rickard returns to his brothers empty apartment. He finds a film projector, a telescope and some drawings. A tape recorder is playing. A voice is heard. Rickard starts the film projector. Parts of his childhood is shown. He contacts his girlfriend. She informs Rickard that his mother is in hospital.
"Honey Wolves" - The young girl Mignon spend her life within art circles and among the quasi-intellectuals.