Lotten Olsson


Adolf klarar skivan
Mrs. Bohman
Lovisa Larsson
"Conflict" - Shipbuilder Edvard Banck is busy building new ships, but forgets that his wife Birgit wants his attention and tenderness. A new engineer, Reidar Hagen, begins at the shipyard, and Birgit is immediately attracted to him. They fall in love, and Birgit decides to leave her husband. But is it possible and what will Edvard do?
The Girl in Tails
Karolina Willman
Katja is about to graduate, but she has nothing to wear for the graduation ball. Her father, the eccentric inventor Carl Axel Kock does not spend much of his income on Katja while her brother Curry gets everything he wants. So on the day of the ball, Katja simply dresses up in her brother’s brand new evening attire and attends the dance, smokes cigars, drinks brandy–and causes a scandal.
The Ingmar Inheritance
Old lady in lifeboat
"The Ingmar Inheritance". The story of a group of farmers who choose to leave their homes and follow the preacher Helgum to the Holy Land.
La saga de Gunnar Hedes
Gunnar Hedes, un joven sueco, quiere convertirse en músico profesional, pero cuando su padre muere repentinamente, su familia le presiona para que se haga cargo del negocio familiar, criando y vendiendo renos. No le gusta el negocio y no es adecuado para él, pero se rinde y se hace cargo. Sin embargo, cuando un día se lesiona gravemente en un accidente mientras conduce la manada sobre el Ártico congelado y sufre un traumatismo craneal grave, su familia teme que sufra daños mentales permanentes y que pierdan tanto a Gunnar como al negocio familiar.