Johnny Dooley


The Dauphin
The backdrop is fifteenth century France, and Charles, Duke of Burgundy has promised his daughter, Princess Mary, that she can marry the man she loves, Prince Maximilian of Styria. But when the Swiss threaten war, the duke is compelled to take back his word and he arranges for Mary to wed the half-witted dauphin of France's King Louis XI .
When Knighthood Was in Flower
Will Sommers
Mary Tudor falls in love with a new arrival to court, Charles Brandon. She convinces her brother King Henry VIII to make him his Captain of the Guard. Meanwhile, Henry is determined to marry her off to the aging King Louis XII of France as part of a peace agreement.
Beauty's Worth
Prudence es una joven huérfana cuáquera que vive con sus dos inflexibles tías, quienes reprimen su inocente alegría con rígidas normas de moral. Un día tiene ocasión de pasar unas semanas con una antigua amiga de sus tías en un lugar residencial cerca del mar, donde podrá conocer a dos hombres muy opuestos entre sí, y también soportar las burlas de la gente joven por su forma de vestir y sus modales anticuados...