Crónica de los sucesos acaecidos en Venezuela el 27 de febrero de 1989, conocidos como "El Caracazo". Una protesta contra el aumento del precio de los pasajes en la Terminal de Guarenas enciende la chispa de una rebelión popular que llega hasta Caracas y provoca una sangrienta oleada represiva de parte del gobierno de Carlos A. Pérez que cobra centenares de víctimas. Mara Caparigua, testigo de los acontecimientos, rememora aquellas dolorosas jornadas. (Filmoteca Zoowoman)
Perucho deja su pueblo en Venezuela, y junto con su hermana y cuñado viaja a la ciudad para tratar de abrirse camino y buscar otro tipo de vida. Ahí descubre que tiene talento para el boxeo y a través de éste buscará la oportunidad para ser alguien..
Maverick-y cop takes down drug-dealers despite PD corruption and governmental complicity.
Venezuelan movie
Two young men decide to rob a residence believing it uninhabited, once inside the homeowners and another couple maintain a perverse game as fun for Sunday. One of the young enters the house but is cornered and subjected to all sorts of harassment and abuse.
La película relata violentos dramas de caudillismo y odio en un pueblo de los Andes Venezolanos. Expresa los conflictos y pasiones de aquellos que viven encerrados entre las altas montañas, donde la violencia es como un destino inevitable. Basada en la obra homónima de Orlando Araujo.
A skilled worker has a sudden nervous breakdown at the company for which he has been working for the last 20 years. He attacks the machines and smashes the windows. The company decides to have him undergo treatment with a well-known young psychiatrist. She will try to bring light the reasons for his behavior so he can adapt himself to his work once again.
Theatre Play
A skilled worker has a sudden nervous breakdown at the company for which he has been working for the last 20 years. He attacks the machines and smashes the windows. The company decides to have him undergo treatment with a well-known young psychiatrist. She will try to bring light the reasons for his behavior so he can adapt himself to his work once again.
Ramon Antonio Brizuela is a criminal whose life passes between rounds, parties and showdowns. Recognized by a witness during an assault, he is taken to jail where he becomes aware of the unfair and corrupt judicial system.