Felicity Steel

Felicity Steel


Felicity Steel


The Girl in the Gramophone
All Andrew wants is a change of scenery, but his grimy new St Kilda apartment has other ideas.
Mui Karaoke: The Trial and Execution of a Goddess and Her Son
A Korean goddess and a sorcerer have been embroiled in a thousand year long argument with each other. They call upon seven different humans to decide for them once and for all which one of them is in the wrong. The god that the humans choose will be put to death.
Mrs. Rosenblum
Un agente especial (Ethan Hawke) de un departamento secreto del gobierno, una agencia creada en los años 80 que permite realizar viajes en el tiempo, tendrá que realizar una compleja serie de "saltos" hacia atrás en el tiempo con el fin de detener al conocido como "el terrorista fallido", un individuo que está poniendo bombas por todo el país con miles de víctimas. En uno de sus viajes a los 70, el agente, que trabaja encubierto como camarero de un bar, conoce a un hombre que le narra una historia extraordinaria...
A local news crew become horribly involved with a doomsday cult.
Jack Irish: Dead Point
Radio Producer
Jack Irish is thrown into a world of club owners, drug dealers and killers when he is hired by a judge to find a mysterious red book.
Doris's mind is slipping. She is not only haunted by the death of her beloved husband James, but she is also struggling with the re-emergence of Ruth, Doris's sinister alter-ego.