Hildegard Knef

Hildegard Knef

Nacimiento : 1925-12-28, Ulm, Germany

Muerte : 2002-02-01


Hildegard Frieda Albertine Knef (December 28, 1925 - February 1, 2002) was a German actress, singer and writer. Description above from the Wikipedia article Hildegard Knef, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Hildegard Knef
Hildegard Knef


Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
A biography of Hildegard Knef, one of Germany's biggest post-war stars.
Marlene Dietrich: Su propia canción
The films, affairs and struggles of the iconic star of The Blue Angel as told by Rosemary Clooney, Roger Corman, Deanna Durbin and many more.
A Woman and a Half: Hildegard Knef
Hildegard Knef: legendary German film diva. An actress whose personality is as complex as the characters she has played. She is by turns irritable, impatient, charming, humorous, fascinating and enchanting. But behind the many masks is the temperamental woman, the Hildegard Knef who has weathered many of life′s blows: failure in Hollywood, cancer, lost loves, the enmity of the press and, finally, the horror of aging. A Woman and a Half - Hildegard Knef is the portrait of a Knef who has become cynical and unpredictable in order to protect herself, but also a Knef full of warmth, humor and spirit.
Eine fast perfekte Hochzeit
Marlene Wolf-Schönberg - Hennys Tante
After Henny's father loses his job at her ex-fiancee's shipyard because of Henny's affair with Sigi, he begins to panic about how to make a living and tries to find new quarters. His sister, Henny's aunt Marlene, suffers as a result of his chaotic efforts. The path to his new life requires that Henny get married, as the aunt is a strict puritan. But whoever knows Henny can be sure that things will take a few unexpected turns...
DEFA – Es werden ein paar Filme bleiben
Tödliches Erbe
Lore Olmer
Wenn ich sonntags in mein Kino geh'...
A documentary about the 75th birhday of the UFA film studios directed by Hans-Christoph Blumenberg.
Liberators Take Liberties
Helke Sander interviews multiple German women who were raped in Berlin by Soviet soldiers in May 1945. Most women never spoke of their experience to anyone, due largely to the shame attached to rape in German culture at that time.
In inniger Feindschaft
Gina Montano
Encuentros con la maldad
Lady in Black
Un terrorífico secreto está oculto entre sus paredes. Un día fue un lugar próspero, ahora el viejo hotel se aguanta como un marchito monumento de otro tiempo. Su grandiosidad ha sido reemplazada por oscuras y siniestras sombras. Cuando un fotógrafo y su novia llegan al hotel para tomar una foto, se introducen en un misterio sin escapatoria. Un encuentro con una siniestra mujer vestida de negro da comienzo a una serie de eventos terroríficos encabezados por una pesadilla de posesión, rituales satánicos, y sacrificios mortales.
Nein, ich gebe niemals auf!
The Future of Emily
Emily, a child, stays with her bourgeois grandparents during frequent periods when her mother makes films. Isabelle wraps a picture, flies to her childhood home to pick up Emily, and plans to leave for her place in France. Old wounds between Isabelle and her parents open around Isabelle's life style. It's also apparent that Isabelle's mother, Paula, is unhappy - with her husband and with her youthful hopes dashed when she became pregnant with Isabelle. Unbeknownst to Isabelle, the co-star of the film she's just made has followed her, checked into a nearby hotel, and wants to begin an affair, even though he's married. Can Isabelle sort it out? What's best for Emily?
Der Gärtner von Toulouse
Mrs. Théophot
Warum die UFOs unseren Salat klauen
Peters Mutter
A biologist has succeeded in growing a particularly energy-rich lettuce and now the whole world wants to get hold of the product.
Countess Sobryanski
Fedora, una famosa actriz, fallece en París atropellada por un tren. En su funeral, un productor de cine recapacita sobre los hechos ocurridos en las dos últimas semanas y se pregunta hasta qué punto podría él haber influido en su muerte. Todo empezó cuando fue a Corfú para verla y descubrió que vivía en una isla privada con una enfermera, una anciana condesa y el cirujano plástico que conseguía mantenerla con una asombrosa apariencia juvenil.
...und die Bibel hat doch recht
Everyone Dies Alone
Anna Quangel
When they start losing family members and neighbors due to WWII and the Nazi government's policies, a quiet married couple becomes disillusioned and begins spreading leaflets against the government - a crime punishable by death.
El continente perdido
Eva Peters
Un grupo de pasajeros de dudosa procedencia viaja a bordo del Corita, un buque oxidado al mando del capitán Lansen, que transporta un cargamento ilegal de explosivos. Después de una emergencia, el barco queda varado en un lugar misterioso. Bajo el manto oscuro de la noche y la niebla, los aterrorizados pasajeros se enfrentan a criaturas monstruosas, algas comedoras de hombres, una sociedad de piratas viciosos y mujeres estupendamente dotadas.
Doce del patíbulo
El comandante Reisman es un oficial estadounidense que se ha distinguido en la campaña de Italia, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A pesar de ello, su mayor virtud no es la disciplina; de ahí que las relaciones con sus superiores sean más bien tensas. Sin embargo, debido a su brillante historial militar, no dudan en encargarle una misión suicida: asaltar una fortaleza nazi y matar a sus ocupantes, todos ellos altos mandos del régimen. Para ello debe someter a un duro entrenamiento a doce presidiarios.
Ilona Valdez
An American pilot assists the Portuguese colonial police who are battling a gang of criminals involved in drug smuggling from Lisbon to Mozambique to Zanzibar.
Condemned to Sin
After World War II, a lot of people, who lived in the eastern parts of the Third Reich had to be relocated. One of them is Hugo Starosta (Martin Held) with his family. They live in a fortress. Hugo is unemployed, his children don't seem to like school, but somehow they managa to get through.
Misión en el estrecho
Elinor van Berg
Una banda internacional de espionaje ubicada en Tánger y capitaneada por una mujer, se dedica al hundimiento de los barcos de la Armada inglesa que transportan tropas desde Inglaterra a Oriente Medio, cuando hacen escala en Gibraltar. El Intelligence Service se alarma por el cariz que toman los acontecimientos y envía a un oficial, con la misión de trazar un plan para ponerse en contacto con la banda e introducirse en ella.
Mark of the Tortoise
English millionaire Sir Cyrus Bradley is being blackmailed by “The Tortoise” Crime Syndicate. He is to pay £ 100,000.00 Pounds to stay alive and not be murdered. After his refusal to pay the money, he is quickly killed. Cyrus‘ nephew, Don Micklem, plans to avenge the death of his uncle and sets out on a quest to expose “The Tortoise“…
And So to Bed
Twelve different episodes of erotic relationships are described as examples of modern love substitute.
Ballad for a Hoodlum
Vincent Vivant agrees to Stephan the spy's proposal: he is to cross the border with a mysterious suitcase.
The Threepenny Opera
The Gangster Macheath secretly marries the daughter of beggar king Peachum. When Peachum finds out, he instructs the police chief Brown to arrest and hang Macheath. If not, all the beggars of Soho will disturb the upcoming coronation.
Madame X
Basada en la historia real de Henri Désiré Landru, un hombre residente en París que, durante la I Guerra Mundial, utilizaba la sección de contactos de los periódicos para conocer a mujeres, a las cuales seducía, engañaba y posteriormente asesinaba para poder quedarse con su dinero y sus pertenencias.
Catalina de Rusia
Catherine the Great
En Petersburgo, la muchedumbre ataca la carroza de los Grandes duques, Catalina y Pedro III. El zar Pedro III, ordena disparar contra la gente, pero el capitán de los cosacos, Orlov se niega y es deportado a Siberia. Orlov consigue escapar y llaga a Petersburgo. Allí Catalina recibe la noticia de que Pedro III ha dado orden de detenerla y ejecutarla. Ésta se reúne con Orlov, y juntos alcanzan los regimientos cosacos acampados en las afueras de la ciudad. Catalina es proclamada Zarina de todas la Rusias por los cosacos y marcha contra el ejército de Pedro III.
Laura Hunt
The detective investigating Laura Hunt's murder finds himself becoming obsessed with the dead woman only to find out she's actually still alive.
Baroness Geschwitz
A 14-year-old girl is caught while trying to pick a doctor's pocket. The doctor ends up taking her in and turning her into a sophisticated lady, whom he marries off to a wealthy man.
Golden Boy
Lorna Moon
The Human Voice
The Woman
A TV adaptation of Jean Cocteau's play La voix humaine about a woman talking to her lover over the phone.
Valley of the Doomed
Maria Luisa di Borbone
1860, the great Duchess of Parma, Maria Luisa, wants to provide her little state with train tracks, in spite of the opposition she gets from certain noble people.
Subway in the Sky
Lilli Hoffman
Berlin provides the backdrop for this crime drama that centers on a military doctor falsely accused of dealing illegal drugs. Determined to prove his innocence, he escapes from the MPs and ends up holing up in the apartment his wife rented. He doesn't know that she has sublet the flat to a nightclub singer. When he finds out, he begs the singer to assist him. She is attracted to him and agrees. The doctor believes that his wife is behind the black-market dealings, but in the end, they find the real culprit.
The Man Who Sold Himself
Martina Schilling
Meant to be a diatribe against yellow journalism and current social ills, this weakly limned drama by Josef von Baky features a reporter who works for one of the tabloid papers. The reporter digs up dirt on the past life of a local hotel owner, and wanting to take full advantage of the muck, he strings out his revelations in a series of perjorative, damning articles on the man. The result of this campaign turns out to be much worse than simply ruining the hotel owner's reputation.
La fille de Hambourg
Madeleine und der Legionär
Madeleine Durand
Confession Under Four Eyes
Hilde Garden
While perusing a police photo, Hilde - an investigative reporter - recognizes a bracelet that she once owned while living in her native Romania. She seeks out the current owner of the bracelet, hoping that he can provide information concerning her long-lost father. Thus begins a curious chain of events...
Trilby O'Farrell
A man hypnotizes a young woman into being an opera singer.
Eine Liebesgeschichte
Lili Schallweiß
Se interpone un hombre
Berlín, época de posguerra tras la II Guerra Mundial, la británica Susanne Mallison (Claire Bloom) viaja a Berlín para visitar a su hermano mayor, que se ha casado con una alemana. Allí conoce a un hombre muy enigmático (James Mason) y, sin darse cuenta, queda atrapada en una red de espionaje en plena guerra fría.
Illusion in Moll
Lydia Bauer
La fête à Henriette
Rita Solar
Un director y un guionista están trabajando en el argumento de una película, pero se sienten algo bloqueados. Así, un periodista llamado Robert recibe un día una extraña invitación de una mujer de mediana edad llamada Rita. Mientras, Henriette, la novia de Robert, se ve involucrada por un timador. La idea se les ocurrió al guionista Henri Jeanson y al director Duvivier cuando estaban intentando crear su siguiente película conjunta. (FILMAFFINITY)
A scientist creates a murderess when he artificially inseminates a prostitute with the seed of an executed killer.
Las nieves del Kilimanjaro
Countess Liz
Harry es un escritor que resulta herido en un accidente durante un safari cerca del Kilimanjaro. Mientras espera la llegada del equipo de rescate, hace un repaso de los momentos más importantes de su vida.
Night Without Sleep
Lisa Muller
Upon awaking in the morning, a man finds his thoughts clouded by the possibility that he committed a murder.
Correo diplomatico
Janine Betki
El departamento de Estado norteamericano encarga a Mike Kells una misión en Salzburgo. Una vez allí, debe subir a un tren para encontrarse con su colega y amigo Sam Carew, que le entregará un documento importantísimo sobre los planes de Stalin para invadir Europa. Pero Carew, que viaja en compañía de una joven llamada Janine, es arrojado a las vías del tren antes de poder hablar con su colega. Mike seguirá las huellas de Janine hasta Trieste.
Nights on the Road
Inge Hoffmann
An aging truck driver finds smuggled money and becomes involved with a hijacking crowd.
Decisión al amanecer
Un prisionero de guerra alemán es enviado de regreso a su país, acompañado por un oficial norteamericano, para cumplir una arriesgada misión de espionaje.
Miracles Still Happen
Anita Weidner
Die Sünderin
It is a love story between a prostitute and an artist. It was one of the first German films to break several taboos: nudity, suicide and euthanasia. In the Germany of the '50s, this caused a lot of negative reactions by the politicians and the Roman Catholic Church. The opposition reached the degree of banning the film and scandalizing it which paradoxically made it one of the landmarks in the history of film.
Fahrt ins Glück
Susanne Loevengaard
Film Without Title
Christine Fleming
A screenwriter comes up with a story about an affair between a maid and her employer.
Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
Das Mädchen Kat
A group of people gathers back in the post-war ruins of a luxurious Munich hotel they inhabited at one point or another years before; each trying to cope with the tragic consequences of the war and their own actions.
Los asesinos están entre nosotros
Susanne Wallner
Este el primer filme producido en Alemania tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, con el auspicio de los recién creados estudios DEFA. Un hombre y una mujer regresan a un Berlín en ruinas; la mujer, Susanne Wallner, es una superviviente de un campo de concentración, que a pesar de los horrores que ha sufrido desea reiniciar su vida. Al regresar a su apartamento, encuentra que el Dr. Hans Mertens está viviendo ahí. El médico es atormentado por las memorias de su rol en la guerra.
Bajo los puentes
Girl in Havelberg
Hendrik y Willy son barqueros en el río Havel. En uno de sus viajes recogen a Anna, una joven de misterioso pasado, y ambos se enamoran de ella...
The Brothers Noltenius
Wolf Noltenius is a real globetrotter. Early on, this talented young man travelled far and wide, where he earned fame as a construction planner. He moved to Brazil; but one day, homesickness got the best of him. He spontaneously travelled back to his hometown to visit his brother Werner and his family. Wolf and Werner, who both went into the same profession, couldn't be any more different: the one is worldly and an experienced man-about-town; the other a small bourgeois.
Zwilling ohne Leberfleck