Bec Taylor


Hasta El Último Hombre
Key Hair Stylist
Narra la historia de Desmond Doss, un joven médico militar que participó en la sangrienta batalla de Okinawa, en el Pacífico durante la II Guerra Mundial, y se convirtió en el primer objetor de conciencia en la historia estadounidense en recibir la Medalla de Honor del Congreso. Doss quería servir a su país, pero desde pequeño se había hecho una promesa a sí mismo: no coger jamás ningún arma.
Babe 2: El cerdito en la ciudad
Makeup & Hair
Después de la gran victoria obtenida por el cerdito Babe en el concurso de pastoreo, su dueño, el granjero Arthur Hoggett, rechaza todas las ofertas que le hacen por Babe. Desgraciadamente, a causa de un accidente provocado por Babe, Arthur debe guardar cama, y su mujer Esme tendrá que ponerse al frente de la granja. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus esfuerzos, no consigue pagar las deudas que ha contraído con el banco. La única solución consiste en ir a la ciudad con Babe para participar en un concurso de mascotas que puede proporcionarle el dinero necesario para saldar sus cuentas con el banco.
Makeup Artist
In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates gang-rape a 15 year old. He does nothing, and the next day, she's found murdered. At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. The students' parents have their own responses. Jared retreats into angry silence, disgusted that he did nothing to help the dead girl. Meanwhile, his mother wants to talk to him about her impending cancer surgery, the police want to know what he saw, and his friend Ricko wants an alibi. Jared's cracking under the pressure.
In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates gang-rape a 15 year old. He does nothing, and the next day, she's found murdered. At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. The students' parents have their own responses. Jared retreats into angry silence, disgusted that he did nothing to help the dead girl. Meanwhile, his mother wants to talk to him about her impending cancer surgery, the police want to know what he saw, and his friend Ricko wants an alibi. Jared's cracking under the pressure.