Lo Hung

Lo Hung

Nacimiento : 1947-02-03,


Lo Hung


Young and Dangerous: The Prequel
Showcasing the earlier years of Chan Ho Nam (Nicholas Tse) and Chicken (Sam Lee), this prequel tells of their time during their willingness to follow Hung Hing's "Uncle Bee". The film co-stars Shu Qi and Daniel Wu.
La caja china
Businessman #3
Hong-Kong, Nochevieja de 1996. En la colonia británica, donde se entremezclan como en ningún otro lugar del mundo, comunismo y capitalismo, tradición y modernidad, se celebra la entrada de un año histórico: el que pondrá fin al colonialismo inglés. John (Jeremy Irons), un periodista británico, especializado en finanzas, que vive en Hong Kong desde hace quince años, está enamorado de Vivian (Gong Li), una antigua prostituta que vive con Chang (Michael Hui), un hombre de negocios que no se casa con ella por su pasado. John recibe la noticia de que tiene leucemia y de que sólo le quedan unos meses de vida, más o menos lo que falta para que Hong-Kong vuelva a estar bajo soberanía china.
The Peeping Tom
Ko Sir
Roy Chen Chih-Lai is a sick rapist/serial killer with a leg fetish, and cuts off his victims' legs as trophies after he's through with them. One day at a bank robbery shootout, he catches police woman Cheng Hsuen on camera, and chooses her to be his next victim. He begins to stalk her and enter her personal life, even waiting for her inside her home. He notices her sister, Kelly, as well (who is also a cop), and her boyfriend, Ken. After he kidnaps and rapes Kelly, Cheng decides to lure the madman by using herself as bait, and bring justice to the situation.
God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage
Following Ko Chun's earlier years as he battles for the position he was destined for: The God of Gamblers.
Doble mortal
Producer in Dubbing Room
Tras no poder salvar a su esposa de las garras de "El Doctor", Kit Li (Jet Li) acepta trabajar como guardaespaldas y doble de riesgo para el famoso actor Frankie Lane. Pero la historia se repite y Kit debe enfrentarse con su pasado cuando "El Doctor" y su banda toman un hotel de lujo para robar las joyas de la corona rusa, que están expuestas en el hotel. Rodeado de temibles gangsters y, sólo con sus manos para defenderse y proteger a los rehenes, es la oportunidad de Kit para su venganza.
Out Of the Dark
Captain Lu
Leon (Stephen Chow) es un cazafantasmas peculiar, nunca tiene miedo a nada en la vida. Va vestido con gorra, gafas y traje negro, va siempre con una planta que le indica donde hay fantasmas. Utilizará trucos y medios, normalmente absurdos, para vencer a los espectros. Kwan (Karen Mok) es una jovencita, rebelde y macarra que se “enamora” de Leon.
Lover of the Last Empress
General Tun Hua
The story of an innocent girl who is destined to become one of the emperor´s concubines. Initially she suffers from a loss of innocence and the intrigues of the other concubines but over the course of time she becomes less and less scrupulous and finally is impregnated by the emperor and thus becomes his wife - the empress of China. However, her "career" has corrupted her once innocent soul and so, after the emperor dies she rules the land with terror.
La sala de torturas chinas
Judge Lau Shek-Tung
Historia ambientada en la China medieval: Una pareja es acusada del asesinato del esposa de la chica, cuya muerte fue a causa de una sospechosa sobredosis de afrodisíacos, los que le causaron la explosión del miembro viril. Durante el juicio, el magistrado somete a los acusados a diversas torturas con el fin de que confiesen el crimen.
Hail the Judge
Judiciary Secretary Fa
Pao Lung-Sing, un descendiente del famoso juez Pao Ching Tient, es un juez corrupto de noveno grado (grado más bajo) que cambia de tono cuando trata de defender a una mujer Chi Siu-Lin, quien fue acusada por matar a su esposo. Como resultado, Pao se ve obligado a huir y, a través de una serie de eventos (a menudo hilarantes) se convierte en juez de primer grado y regresa para causar estragos y justicia sobre los culpables.
Always Be the Winners
Nightclub patron
Third Master Sha (Tony Leung Chiu-Wai) is a descendant of a powerful gambling family who must battle Yam Tin Sau (Ekin Cheng), the descendant of the rival gambling family to save his family's name. In order to win, Hui hires the China King of Gamblers Hui Man Long (Tony Leung Ka-fai) for help.
The Never Ending Love Story
Follows the changing love lives of college buddies KK and Ronnie, with their girlfriends/wives May and Candy. Workaholic adman KK and his girlfriend May are going through a tough time. They attend Ronnie’s wedding, where KK meets Ronnie’s cousin Candy. KK hires Candy as a secretary on Ronnie’s urging, and the two drift together. Meanwhile, Ronnie’s marriage fails, and he gets together with May….
Daughter of Darkness
La policía sospecha de un joven adolescente que fue maltratado horriblemente por su familia y violado por su padre de por fin asesinarlos y matarlos a todos.
Lover of the Swindler
A con artist falls in love with a respectable nightclub girl but romance is overshadowed by deception.
Rose Rose I Love You
Bumbling Hong Kong detectives Lui (Kenny Bee) and Leung (Tony Leung Ka-Fai) go undercover in an apartment complex to keep watch over Pearl Chan (Carina Lau), a high school teacher who is suspected to be connected to a rare diamond theft involving a notorious thief named Mr. Mickey (Simon Yam). Meanwhile, the legendary Black Rose (Veronica Yip) appears and is also in pursuance of Mr. Mickey, wanting him to surrender himself and the diamond in order to clear her name.
Kickboxer's Tears
A kickboxer is killed in the ring by a dirty opponent who works for a syndicate. The sister of the dead kickboxer vows revenge by facing off against both the dirty kickboxer and the crime syndicate.
Devil's Vendetta
Master Liu
Two rival Taoist schools, one all-female, the other one all-male, must become allies to fight a demon as one of the priestesses is unaware that she's the daughter of the demon and has to lose her virginity to avoid turning into a demon herself.
The Blue Jean Monster
Doctor Wang
Joe, a police officer, has a happy life with his wife, who's pregnant. But one day when he gets a tip that a bank is about to be robbed, he rushes to it but killed. The hostage Gucci then holds the loot. Joe becomes a vampire when a black cat jumps on his body and is hit by lightning. Not until he is sent to the hospital when he passed out, does he notice he's dead and needs electric recharge to be alive. In order to keep his wife from being sad, he doesn't tell her the truth. Even when his best friend Fung and Gucci find it out, he asks them to keep in secret. To get back the loot, the robbers seize both Gucci and Joe's wife, forcing Joe to bring the loot to exchange them. Along with Fung, Joe goes to rescue Gucci and his wife, while his wife delivers a baby. After a severe fight against the robbers, Joe finally wins but drops down as he runs out of his electric power...
Fortune Chaser
A gambling addict tries to repair his personal life and get out of debt.
Sunshine Friends
The war of ratings is over when Mars TV, with its two popular shows bears down Earth TV. Mak, the boss of Mars TV, plan to takeover Earth TV while Lee, the boss of Earth TV wants to jump from a skyscraper to make publicity for his station.
Skinny Tiger, Fatty Dragon
Wedding Guest
King-sized martial arts hero Sammo Hung stars in this wild and wacky blend of action and comedy. Skinny (Karl Maka) and Fatty (Sammo Hung) are a pair of police detectives who soon find themselves on the outs with their boss when they accidentally make a mess of his wedding while chasing Tak, a big league drug trafficker. Skinny and Fatty are forced to leave their jobs, but while on holiday in Singapore, they forget their troubles when they both find love with beautiful women. However, Tak is convinced the former cops are still a threat, and when he abducts their girlfriends, Skinny and Fatty swing into action to rescue them.
Love Is Love
Mr Lu
Shui (Stephen Chow) and Ti (Sandra Ng) elope off, against the wishes of Ti's father (Shing Fui-On). They live the life of a struggling young couple. Shui finds a job at a jewelry importer and his hard work is noticed by the boss lady (Suki Kwan). As Shui moves up the corporate ladder, the chasm between Shui and Ti starts to widen, and the bond between Suki and Shui tightens.
Thunder Cops II
After police officer Paio is murdered, his soul cannot be at rest for his murder has been written off as a suicide...
Operation Pink Squad
The Pink Squad is comprised of four strong, tough women (Sandra Ng, Ann Bridgewater, Suki Kwan in her film debut, and Elsie Chan) who do their police work efficiently and successfully. As a result, their chauvinistic superiors in the police department are always scheming to try and get them fired.
The Dragon Family
Rival Triad gangs go to war...
The Haunted Cop Shop II
Representative of tax dept
Specially trained government troops are sent to clean out a city that is plagued by vampires, ghosts and cannibalistic zombies.
Liu and Keung are competent constables and good partners. But Keung is fired just because of a minor mistake. Gradually falling into a financial crisis, Keung is forced to commit crimes. Liu wants to help but he himself is trapped and has to face internal investigations. As his young brother Raymond is assigned to arrest Keung's gang, Liu is put in a dilemma. Finally, Keung promises Liu he'll give himself up. But the gang won't let them stay alive for long.
Where's Officer Tuba?
Police Station Chief
Tuba is a fainthearted cop who prefers to play in the brass section of the police band to pounding the streets. One day, he finds himself caught up in an extortion case with trigger-happy detective Rambo Chow. When Rambo gets fatally wounded, he makes a half-hearted vow to avenge his death. Tuba is more than a little surprised when Rambo's spirit returns to make sure the timid cop makes good on his promise. Backed up by his hotshot partner Cheung, Tuba eventually summons the gumption to track down the baddies.
The Lunatics
Doctor examining Tsuen
A psychiatrist donates his time to help the mentally ill street people of Hong Kong. A reporter who hears about his activities accompanies him on his rounds.
Hong Kong Graffiti
Jewelry shop boss
Yang Hsiu Shan was grown up in Hong Kong and her folks were emigrated to Canada. She felt in love with her boss, Chen Kai Ping, and in order to set up her business. So she decided to stay in Hong Kong. Yang's sister-in-law, Luk Ping Ting, was emigrated from China and was living in her house. Both Yang and her room-mate, Chan Pei Lien, an air hostess, were taken care of her. In the meantime, Chen's daughter, Fong, came from Taiwan to visit him. She realized that Yang was kind to others and helpful to her father's business so she got to like her more. Luk and Chen had developed a secret love affair. Yang was stunned by the news and became to hate Luk. Yang, Fong, Chan and Luk finally became reconcile.