Keita Kimura


Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion
aka Aquarian Age: The Movie, is based on the popular Japanese CCG (that's collectable card game, for you gaming neophytes), Aquarian Age. The movie represents the transition between the game's first and second Sagas and seems to have been made primarily for fans of the card game, so familiarity with the basic story and characters is assumed. Those watching the movie without first reading the background info in the included booklet are going to be totally lost about what's going on, as the movie begins right in the middle of the climatic battle which wraps up the first Saga. Though it uses the same organizations as the Aquarian Age TV series, the movie does not seem to be directly related to the TV series in any way. (I cannot absolutely confirm this, however, since I only ever saw the first few episodes of the TV series.)
The Whispering of the Gods
Rou has returned to the monastery he was raised in. As he listens to the whispering of the Gods through his germanium radio, Rou defies God in every which way and puts religion to the test.
Warden 2
Basado en el manga de Tsutomu Takahashi. Tenshu Yashiro ha sido condenado a morir en venganza de la violación de su novia Misako, quien luego se suicidó. Acosado por la culpa, Tenshu acepta su destino con resignación. Pero en la ejecución algo sale mal (o bien) y se le ofrece morir o vivir, pero con un destino incierto. Por supuesto Tenshu elige esta última opción, y es conducido a una habitación donde es encerrado con otro paciente, otro 'superviviente'. Poco a poco el protagonista se va dando cuenta que ambos son ahora parte de un experimento de alucinantes ribetes.
Yumeko's Nightmare
There's no limit to what you can see in your dreams...
A man and a woman get mixed up with yakuza.