Christos Kalohoridis

Nacimiento : , Athens, Greece


Christos Kalohoridis works as a still photographer for film and television productions. He holds a BAA in Photography from Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


En la hierba alta
Still Photographer
Después de escuchar a un niño gritando pidiendo ayuda desde las verdes profundidades de un vasto campo de hierba alta, Becky, una mujer embarazada, y Cal, su hermano, aparcan su coche cerca de una misteriosa iglesia abandonada y entran imprudentemente en el campo, descubriendo que no están solos y que por alguna razón son incapaces de escapar de un laberinto vegetal completamente inextricable.
Un San Valentín para siempre
Still Photographer
Dos amigas, Julia y Sydney, deciden cambiar sus acomodadas vidas y pasar un fin de semana en un rancho de Wyoming. Tras una noche de desmadres, tendrán que organizar una fiesta por el día de San Valentín, donde una de ellas encontrará el amor.
Still Photographer
Natasha takes place over the course of one summer. It is the story of Mark Berman, 16, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants living in the suburbs north of Toronto. When his uncle enters into an arranged marriage with woman from Moscow, the woman arrives in Canada with her fourteen year-old daughter, Natasha. Mark, a slacker, is conscripted by his parents to take responsibility for the strange girl. He learns that, in Moscow, she’d led a troubled and promiscuous life. A secret and forbidden romance begins between the two of them that has bizarre and tragic consequences for everyone involved.
A Christmas Horror Story
Still Photographer
Llega Navidad, un momento de alegría, paz y buena voluntad, a menos que vivas en la ciudad de Bailey Downs… Aquí, en la víspera de tan entrañables fechas, la alegría se ve frustrada por un espíritu maligno que atrapa a tres adolescentes con el fin de recrear una versión retorcida de la historia de la Navidad... (FILMAFFINITY)
La verdad
Still Photographer
Un ex agente de la CIA reconvertido en presentador de un programa de televisión sobre política es contratado por un lobby de empresas con el fin de encubrir su relación con una masacre que ha tenido lugar en un pueblo de Sudamérica.
Roxy Hunter y el fantasma misterioso
Still Photographer
After moving to an eerie old house in the country, nine-year-old super sleuth Roxy Hunter stumbles into a world filled with unsolved mysterieus, secret plots and spooky spirits! Now, Roxy and her best friend and boy genius Max, must race to save their home, re-unite a lost love and uncover the true villain. Is it the Moody Ghost...or something even spookier?
Sin miedo a vivir
Still Photographer
In God's Country is a modern day story of slavery. Young women ignored by the police and protected by "freedom of religion" are trapped in polygamous communities scattered throughout North America. Judith Joseph is one of them. Despite being raised under the watchful eyes of "God's Keepers" and knowing no other life, Judith realises she cannot watch her sixteen year old daughter succumb to the same fate she was born into. Desperate, with no other resources and no connections, Judith sets her house on fire and escapes with her five children. Alone, on the "outside", Judith is ill equipped to handle the challenges facing her, but she's determined to build a life.