He Ying's man
Ti Lung plays a Vietnam vet who's now an 'honourable' mercenary-for-hire taking on an assignment tracking down an assassin who's fled to Cambodia after murdering an industrialist from Hong Kong. He recruits a team for the task which consists of who's who of the Shaw Brother's action stars (Lo Lieh, Johnny Wang Lung Wei, Wong Yue, Chan Wei Man and comedy relief Nat Chan). However once they arrived for the mission nothing is what it seems with the standard plot-twists and turns as we find out who's the traitor among the group.
Former Vietnamese soldier Nguyen Dich (Chow Yun-Fat) comes to HK after the Vietnam war, as a professional killer for a gang leader. Here he meets and falls in love with Vicky Lee (Rosamund Kwan). He is ordered to kill her father, and later given the order to kill her too as she started to suspect him. She then discovers that he is responsible for her fathers death...
Master Mao's student
Two top class kung fu fighters challenge all the top kung fu masters in the land, one motivated by revenge, the other by greed. The two fighters team up to face their ultimate challenge in the form of Master Pao, played by Philip Ko.
Jiao is framed for rape and murder (and, later, two more murders) by Chen and his son - the same people who framed Jiao's father and left him orphaned. Into the mix comes THE LADY OF THE LAW, Miss Leng, whose job it is to find the guilty. This she does, and she and Jiao find themselves battling pretty much everyone else who's appeared in the movie up to this point.
Chi San
The "Organization" will go to any lengths to sell their drugs. But this time, they made a mistake... a big mistake. They never counted on The Chinese Tiger, Master of Kung-Fu.
Leung's Fighter
El guardián del culto de Los siete vampiros de oro viaja desde China hasta Transilvania para pedir ayuda al Conde Drácula, que adopta la apariencia de un oriental y se traslada a China. Algunos años después, en una universidad china, el profesor Van Helsing pronuncia una conferencia en la que defiende la existencia de los vampiros ante las bromas inmisericordes de los alumnos. Pero no de todos. En el auditorio hay un joven, Hsi Ching, que procede de Ping Kwei, aldea que es periódicamente asolada por una secta de vampiros, la de los siete vampiros de oro. El joven convencerá a Van Helsing para organizar una expedición para aniquilar a los vampiros y salvar al poblado de tan terrible maldición. La expedición, financiada por una viuda rica, estará integrada por el joven estudiante y sus hermanos, todos ellos expertos en artes marciales.
Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
Dos escuelas rivales de artes marciales se preparan para un gran torneo.
Tan's Man / Yang's Thug (extra)
En tiempos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Ma Yung Chen, de la provincia de Shandong, llega a Shanghai en busca de trabajo, pero la complicada situación existente le impide mejorar su posesión social. No obstante, todo cambiará cuando Ma derrote a un luchador extranjero, comenzando desde entonces a ganarse el respeto de sus compañeros y llegando a convertirse, con el tiempo, en uno de los hombres más poderosos de Shanghai.
Kan's man
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
Wounded Swordsman in Flashback
Lei Li es un joven luchador imbatible gracias a la técnica de la Espada Gemela. Su fama llega tan lejos que Lung quiere quitarle de enmedio para apropiarse de su prestigio. Lei Li tras ser derrotado por Lung en combate singular, jura no volver a practicar Kung-Fu y se corta el brazo. Su vida se hunde hasta que conoce a Feung. Una profunda amistad surge entre los dos guerreros, pero la tragedia golpea de nuevo a Li cuando su enemigo acaba con la vida de Feung... El juramento tendrá que ser revocado... Tercera parte de la trilogía de Hong Kong de "El Espadachín manco".
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.
3rd General Li Tsun Shin
A finales de la dinastía Tang, Li Ke-young, gobernador del estado de Sha To, y sus trece hijos, emprendieron la captura de la capital imperial Changan a manos de los rebeldes. Durante la campaña se crean enfrentamientos entre los hermanos, ya que Li Ke-yung no confía en las habilidades de su hijo Li Tsun-hsin a favor de Li Tsun-hsiao.
El famoso 'espadachín de un solo brazo' que ha pasado los últimos dos años se retiró del mundo marcial como un simple granjero con su esposa. Por supuesto, esta vida idílica está a punto de ser cortada en pedazos por la perversa imaginación de Chang. Él inventa una configuración sabrosa cuando presenta, no uno, sino ocho villanos únicos conocidos como los Ocho Reyes de Espadas y su séquito de espadas para que Wang Yu eventualmente se abra camino.
Thug [extra]
A Hong Kong Jane Bond film starring Josephine Siao.