Leo Bulgakov


Por quién doblan las campanas
General Golz
El estadounidense Robert Jordan (Gary Cooper), apodado "El inglés", que lucha en la guerra Civil Española (1936-1939) dentro de la Brigada Lincoln, es un experto en acciones especiales detrás de las líneas enemigas: ha volado trenes, redes eléctricas, depósitos de armas... En vísperas de una gran ofensiva, el mando republicano le encarga la destrucción de un puente, la principal arteria logística del ejército de Franco. María (Ingrid Bergman), una joven salvada del pelotón de ejecución, y Pilar, la esposa de Pablo, un hombre rudo y testarudo, participarán en la operación y mantendrán el espíritu de lucha hasta el final de la contienda
Esta tierra es mía
Little Fat Man
Arthur (Charles Laughton), un profesor francés tímido y muy cobarde, recupera el valor y la dignidad al pronunciar un encendido discurso sobre la libertad durante el juicio al que es sometido por un asesinato que no cometió. Louise Martin (Maureen O'Hara) tiene un hermano que toma parte en sabotajes contra los nazis. George Lambert (George Sanders), en cambio, colabora con los alemanes porque piensa que ése es el único camino para lograr la paz y la seguridad.
Esta tierra es mía
Arthur (Charles Laughton), un profesor francés tímido y muy cobarde, recupera el valor y la dignidad al pronunciar un encendido discurso sobre la libertad durante el juicio al que es sometido por un asesinato que no cometió. Louise Martin (Maureen O'Hara) tiene un hermano que toma parte en sabotajes contra los nazis. George Lambert (George Sanders), en cambio, colabora con los alemanes porque piensa que ése es el único camino para lograr la paz y la seguridad.
Supervising Producer
Engaged couple broken up by devilish hunchback, the richest man in the village, who is himself smitten with the bride-to-be. An American film in the Ukrainian language, based on the 1872 Ukrainian play "Oy Ne Khody Hrytsiu Tam Na Vechernytsi" by M. Staritsky.
Engaged couple broken up by devilish hunchback, the richest man in the village, who is himself smitten with the bride-to-be. An American film in the Ukrainian language, based on the 1872 Ukrainian play "Oy Ne Khody Hrytsiu Tam Na Vechernytsi" by M. Staritsky.
White Lies
A powerful publisher John Mitchell whose pursuit of sensational headlines at the expense of all else takes a personal toll when his daughter Joan is implicated in a murder.
After the Dance
Though he was protecting her when he accidentally killed a man, Mabel Kane (Thelma Todd) refuses to testify on behalf of her dance partner Jerry Davis (George Murphy), and he's sent to jail. In a riot, a hostile convict (Jack La Rue) forces Jerry to help him escape, so Jerry takes to the streets himself. Nightclub entertainer Anne Taylor (Nancy Carroll) meets him, and convinces her boss Louis (Arthur Hohl) to hire him as her partner.
I'll Love You Always
Nora Clegg, an actress, marries Carl Brent, an unemployed young engineer, whose estimation of his worth and ability keeps him from getting a job. He finally acquires a position that will require him to go to Russia for a period of time, while Nora goes back to the stage during his absence. But he loses out on the job at the last minute, and rather than tell Nora he has failed again, he steals a roll of money from his prospective employer to buy some things for Nora and go out and have a good time before, she things, his departure. His departure is to jail rather than Russia and he hides the truth from Nora by having an acquaintance mail his letters from Russia. He then finds out that Nora is pregnant.