Tore Vollan

Tore Vollan


Tore Vollan


Beneath the Surface
Director of Photography
In 2014, following a tip-off, a group of journalists exposed a troubled history for indigenous Sámi women, men and children. It revealed generations of negligence, abuse and suffering, supported by a mass of evidence and previously unseen archival footage. As the case goes to court, the community remains defiant against a judicial system whose attitudes highlight fissures in the purported equal treatment of all citizens. The community’s battle aims to break a vicious cycle of racism and to achieve meaningful lasting change for future generations.
Kids Cup
Kids Cup is a character driven coming-of-age family film from the world´s largest sports tournament for kids. We dive into a teenage universe and follow 13-14 year olds from different parts of the world, competing at the football tournament, Norway Cup, in Oslo.
El infiltrado
El documental más impactante del año, una de esas producciones que trascienden la pantalla y tienen el potencial de cambiar un poco el mundo. Tras investigar la muerte del secretario general de la ONU Dag Hammarskjöld en su anterior obra, el director danés Mads Brügger infiltra a dos hombres en Corea del Norte para destapar un escándalo que pone en la picota al regimen de Kim Jong-Un y al popular diplomático Alejandro Cao de Benós. Los Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de Suecia y Dinamarca ya han llevado el documental ante el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas para solicitar nuevas sanciones para Corea del Norte. Dos hombres normales y corrientes se embarcan en una misión escandalosamente peligrosa durante diez años para penetrar en la dictadura más secreta y brutal del mundo: Corea del Norte.
Sorry Brothers, I Was the One
Director of Photography
Jan Erik Vold has been best known as poet, activist and an Oslo-patriot in exile for many years, but who is he really?
Caso abierto: Hammarskjöld
Director of Photography
En 1961 el secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Dag Hammarskjöld, murió en un misterioso accidente de avión en Zambia. El director Mads Brügger intenta encontrar nuevas pistas sobre lo que pasó aquel fatídico día en el que murieron 16 personas.
Director of Photography
In 1967 three students started the Experimental High School of Oslo - FGO. They wanted to make a free and democratic school, where pupils and teachers were equals, and the curriculum focused on freedom, learning and mutual respect.
The Art of the Impossible
Director of Photography
Director/actor Eugenio Barba returns to Oslo, where he started Odin Teatret, to Opole, where Jerzy Grotowsky's " theatre of the poor" developed a new physical play style, to avoid communism's censorship. And to Holstebro, where Odin Teatrets presence has greatly influenced the city's development.
Dancing for You
Director of Photography
Vilde (12) wants to be the first female 'Halling' folk dance champion. A traditional dance for men only. Her greatest challenge isn't the competition - she's convinced that her strength and passion for dance and life are helping her beloved grandfather to win his fight against cancer.
Glade jul
Camera Supervisor
Inside Fur
Director of Photography
A group of highly motivated activists work for years with the goal of exposing the true face of the Nordic fur industry. They sneak into hundreds of fur farms. When their images are publicized it causes media feasts and public outrage, year after year. However, the industry always strikes back. Nothing changes. A new approach is needed. So, psychologist Frank Nervik tells the fur industry that he plans to become a fur farmer. He asks for training. Nervik is accepted as one of them, and starts learning the trade secrets. Without anybody knowing, he films his training with a hidden camera.
Kampen om Hardanger
People living around the beautiful and world famous Hardanger fjords in Norway are critical towards the building of gigantic power lines across the fjords. They feel that their democratic rights are stepped upon.
Shadow of a Midsummer Night
Director of Photography
A gentle and beautifully made story about a boy's grief and acceptance, and finding a way back.
Varg Veum Perros enterrados no muerden
Director of Photography
Varg Veum niega su ayuda a la política Marit Haug, quien ha recibido amenazas por su candidatura a presidenta de un partido de extrema derecha. Marit representa todo de lo que Veum está en contra y sólo cuando matan a la esposa del adversario político de Marit, decide ayudarla. Él entra en un juego de poder político nacional, donde nadie es lo que parece, y que debe seguir un rastro mortal de culpa, conspiración y corrupción.
Varg Veum Un cuerpo en la nevera
Director of Photography
Noruega /// El inspector Veum está investigando el caso de un trabajador, de nombre Arne, de una compañía de perforación petrolera internacional, que ha desaparecido. Buscando pistas en el apartament de Arne Veum descubre el torso de una mujer en la nevera. Pero alguien le golpea hasta queda inconsciente. Cuando se despierta, la policía está en la escena, pero el cuerpo sin extremidades se ha ido
Director of Photography
A story about an immigrant from Burkina Faso and his attempts to integrate in Norwegian society. Exoticore is a touching tale about modern-day people trying to find their place in this world. A film about being a foreigner, about solitude and contemporary insanity. A dark journey into exoticism.
The Man Who Loved Haugesund
Director of Photography
The story about the poor Polish Moritz Rabinowitz who fell in love with the town of Haugesund, Norway, and became a wealthy clothes salesman, and was deported by the Nazi regime when they took control over Norway.
The Man Who Loved Haugesund
The story about the poor Polish Moritz Rabinowitz who fell in love with the town of Haugesund, Norway, and became a wealthy clothes salesman, and was deported by the Nazi regime when they took control over Norway.
The Man Who Loved Haugesund
The story about the poor Polish Moritz Rabinowitz who fell in love with the town of Haugesund, Norway, and became a wealthy clothes salesman, and was deported by the Nazi regime when they took control over Norway.
Bosque tenebroso
Director of Photography
El equipo del programa de televisión "Real TV" cuyo productor ejecutivo es Gunnar, comenzará muy pronto la grabación de un "reality show" en el que los concursantes serán seleccionados para sobrevivir en territorio salvaje. Para poner aprueba el nuevo programa y a su equipo, Gunnar los lleva a una cabaña donde solía pasar los veranos de pequeño. Ésta se encuentra muy alejada de la civilización, escondida entre oscuros y misteriosos bosques. El equipo de producción tendrá que vivir allí durante un fin de semana alimentándose de lo que les ofrece la naturaleza. Pronto algo inesperado sucede, y la prueba se convierte en una inexplicable realidad. Comenzarán a experimentar una escalada de acontecimientos en situaciones límite, conduciéndoles a acusaciones mutuas, la plena desconfianza, y al final, a una situación insostenible e inimaginable.
Bloody Nuisance
Director of Photography