Roberto Abbado


Le Trouvère
"This is a family tragedy, and in many ways, it is a very contemporary story." This is how Robert Wilson described Il trovatore, or Le Trouvère in its French version, commissioned from Verdi after the incredible success of the premiere of his Italian version in 1853. With a few changes and alterations to the original music, this version was first performed in 1857 at the Paris Opera. A light show unique to the stage director unfolds in the cold architecture, creating the perfect framing for Verdi’s music, dramatic and dark in this timeless opera.
Andrea Chénier - Teatro Dell'opera di Roma
Andrea Chénier is a verismo opera in four acts by Umberto Giordano, set to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica, and first performed on 28 March 1896 at La Scala, Milan. The story is based loosely on the life of the French poet André Chénier (1762–1794), who was executed during the French Revolution.
Mose in Egitto
This thought-provoking, modern-day interpretation of Rossini's 'Mosè in Egitto' sets the scene for superior music-making at the prestigious Rossini Festival in Pesaro. For conductor Roberto Abbado, the transposition of the action to the present day releases the energy of Rossini's music. At his disposal is a cast of top-quality vocalists such as the “refined bel canto artist(Bresciaoggi) Sonia Ganassi as Elcia, and the “outstanding” Dmitry Korchak as the Pharaoh's son, two lovers fatefully drawn into the political turmoil and catastrophes of their time. Also among the protagonists are the “thoroughly brilliant” (DeutschlandRadio Kultur) baritone Alex Esposito as Faraone and, in his Rossini Festival debut, young, full-bodied bass Riccardo Zanellato as Moses. Conductor Roberto Abbado “inspired his musicians to deliver a spectacular performance” (Salzburger Nachrichten).
We Believed
Music Director
Como respuesta a la feroz represión borbónica de 1828, tres jóvenes del sur de Italia, Domenico, Angelo y Salvatore (Luigi Lo Cascio, Valerio Binasco y Luigi Pisani), deciden alistarse en el grupo de resistencia dirigido por Giuseppe Mazzini (Toni Servillo). A través de cuatro episodios, seremos testigos de la corrupción, las conspiraciones y las pulsiones homicidas que se viven en el seno de la organización. La unidad de Italia es el objetivo, pero no parece que vaya a ser precisamente un camino de rosas.
Rossini Zelmira
Juan Diego Flórez protagoniza la única versión disponible en DVD de Zelmira, filmada en el célebre Festival Rossini en la ciudad natal del compositor, Pesaro. La última ópera que Rossini escribió para Nápoles es un tour de force dramático y musical y un escaparate magnífico para la superestrella del bel canto de nuestro tiempo. Grabado en alta definición en el Festival de 2009, la producción de Giorgio Barberio Corsettis sitúa el cuento clásico, ambientado en la Guerra de Troya, en los tiempos modernos y en el vestir actual Junto a Juan Diego Flórez se encuentra un importante elenco internacional, descrito como casi milagroso por Opera Today y encabezado por la mezzosoprano estadounidense Kate Aldrich en el virtuoso papel principal. Pero la velada siguió siendo otro triunfo distinguido de Juan Diego Flórez como Príncipe Ilo, cuya llegada a su patria, para rescatar a Zelmira, estuvo marcada por un deslumbrante espectáculo tenorial que suscitó una ovación de casi veinte minutos.
Music Director
Princess Fedora, who is to marry the Count the following day, arrives and sings of her love for him, unaware that the dissolute Count has betrayed her with another woman. The sound of sleigh-bells is heard, and the Count is brought in mortally wounded. Doctors and a priest are summoned, and the servants are questioned. It is proposed that Count Loris Ipanov, a suspected Nihilist sympathiser, was probably the assassin. De Siriex (a diplomat), and Grech (a police inspector) plan an investigation. Fedora swears on the jewelled Byzantine cross she is wearing that Count Andrejevich's death will be avenged.