Amine Bouhafa

Amine Bouhafa

Nacimiento : 1986-07-10,


Amine Bouhafa (born July 10, 1986) is a French-Tunisian composer. His works include Timbuktu, for wich he won César for Best Music Written for a Film. In 2016, he received the Order of Arts and Letters.


Amine Bouhafa


Black Tea
Aya, a young Ivorian woman in her early thirties, says no on her wedding day, to everyone’s astonishment. After emigrating to Asia, she works in a tea export shop with Cai, a 45-year-old Chinese man. Aya and Cai fall in love but can their affair survive the turmoil of their past and other people’s prejudices?
Original Music Composer
25 composers, 25 filmmakers, 25 ultimate symbioses of music and cinematography that fit completely within the DNA of Film Fest Gent and the World Soundtrack Awards. For the unique 2x25 project, the festival asked 25 composers to compose a short piece of music, after which 25 filmmakers made a short film. The result: 25 exceptional films where the music inspired the form, narrative and texture.
Amel is released from prison after an adulterous affair. In the violent streets of Tunis, Amel seeks her missing son Moumen, a young football player destroyed by the scandal. During her journey, Amel has to face Tunisian society in ruins.
For Better And For Worse
Jean has been the conservative mayor of a small town for several years. He intends to run for another term. Edith, his wife, is the paragon of the traditional devoted housewife and mother. So it comes as quite a shock when she tells her husband of forty years that deep down, she has always been... A MAN! Totally blindsided, Jean didn't see this coming. For a politician campaigning on family values, this is too much! But Edith, still the loving wife, make a deal with him: she will postpone her transition and stay a woman until after the elections. But as we know, campaigns are all about digging up dirt to keep the rumor mill turning
Le Marchand de Sable
Marked by years of prison, Djo, a parcel delivery man in the Paris suburbs, lives modestly with his mother and daughter. One day, an aunt who has just fled the Ivorian conflict arrives at their home with her three children. In a hurry, Djo manages to find them a place to live. But faced with the growing demand and with the prospect of offering a decent life to his daughter, Djo switches and becomes a sleep merchant.
Original Music Composer
Itto, a young woman from a modest rural background, is slowly adapting to the Moroccan privileged codes of her husband’s family. But when supernatural events put the country in a state of emergency, Itto finds herself separated from her husband and new family. Alone, pregnant and looking for her way back, she finds emancipation.
Entre las higueras
Entre los árboles, mujeres y hombres jóvenes que trabajan en la cosecha de verano desarrollan nuevos sentimientos, coquetean, intentan entenderse, y encuentran una conexión más profunda, o huyen de ella.
Our Brothers
Inspired by the story of Malik Oussekine, an affair of police violence which is believed to have caused the death of 22-year-old Malik Oussekine on the night of 5-6 December 1986, following several weeks of student protests against a university reform bill
Alma Viva
Like every summer, little Salomé returns to her family village nestled in the Portuguese mountains for the holidays. As the vacations begin in a carefree atmosphere, her beloved grandmother suddenly dies. While the adults are tearing each other apart over the funeral, Salomé is haunted by the spirit of the one who was considered a witch.
L'enfant du paradis
Everything seems to be smiling again at Yazid, an actor with a sulphurous past. He is trying to regain custody of his son and find a stable family life. But despite his efforts, he is overtaken by his old demons...
We Are From There
Jamil and Milad are brothers with very different personalities. Jamil is a get-up-and-go carpenter, following in his father's footsteps. Milad is a sensitive trumpeter and dreamer. As their home country, Syria, sinks further into war, Jamil emigrates first to Beirut and then makes an illegal journey to Sweden. Milad stays in Damascus, but eventually can’t take it any longer and decides to leave to Berlin. Their cousin Wissam records their journey for over five years, bringing back childhood memories while questioning the true meaning of home. The traumatic war in Syria plays a background role in this documentary, which focuses more on the psychological effects of being uprooted and the way the brothers, who had previously hardly travelled, deal with emigration. It draws with humility and admiration the human ability to cope with change, as radical as it can be. Jamil and Milad are achievers, each adapting his own way.
El Gareema
Adel (Ahmed Ezz) is a middle-aged man, raised by his strict grandfather who he was deeply inspired by. Set in the 1970's, he met his first love, Nadia, (Menna Shalaby) who later became his wife and the mother of his son. After this, a chain of events lead to Adel committing many crimes, which are investigated by Amgad Al Husseiny (Maged el kedwany) and later in the movie, a series of surprises are revealed.
La cumbre de los dioses
Original Music Composer
¿George Mallory murió subiendo o bajando por la cima del Everest, el 8 de junio de 1924? Setenta años después, cuando Fukamachi, un joven reportero, compra una vieja cámara Kodak en un mercado de Katmandú, cree que puede encontrar la respuesta. Este descubrimiento lo lleva al mundo de los montañeros ansiosos que persiguen conquistas imposibles, donde el amor y los fantasmas se entrelazan.
Mientras ayuda a cuidar el rebaño de vacas de su familia en una región del norte de Senegal, una niña de 13 años enfrenta cambios que amenazan su estrecho vínculo con su padre.
Tug of War
Original Music Composer
A coming-of-age political love story set in the final years of British colonial Zanzibar. Denge, a young freedom fighter meets Yasmin, an Indian-Zanzibari woman in the middle of the night as she is on her way to be married. Passion and revolution escalate.
I and the Stupid Boy
Original Music Composer
Nora is a striking young girl in new love. We see her dancing around her bedroom, lip-synching, testing outfits, in between sending heart emojis, and more, to the special boy. All dressed up, she takes a short cut through an abandoned building, on the way for her hot date. Kevin pulls up in the background on his scooter. He's Nora's recent ex, jilted and jealous. Kevin grabs Nora's phone, and what ensues is a now universal 21st century story of male-female power, sexuality and shame with a biting, feminist twist.
Original Music Composer
For thirty years, French-Algerian sisters Zorah, Nohra and Djamila have been living in the hope of finding their brother Rheda, abducted by their father, and hidden in newly decolonised Algeria. Their relationship is shaken when Zorah, the eldest sister, decides to write a play based on the traumatising events of their childhood that haunted them their whole life. But when they learn that their father is dying, the three sisters decide to go to Algeria to seize their last opportunity to have him reveal where their brother is. When the past catches up, the three sisters have no choice but to put their differences aside.
El hombre que vendió su piel
Original Music Composer
Sam Ali, un joven sensible e impulsivo de Siria, abandona su país poniendo rumbo hacia el Líbano huyendo de la guerra. Para poder viajar por Europa y vivir así con el amor de su vida, acepta tatuarse la espalda a manos de uno de los artistas contemporáneos más importantes que existen. Tras convertir su cuerpo en una prestigiosa obra de arte, Sam comprende poco a poco que su decisión implica todo lo contrario a lo que él deseaba en un principio: la libertad
Original Music Composer
Yuri, de 16 años, ha pasado toda su vida en las Torres Gagarin, un proyecto de viviendas situado en las afueras de París y sueña con ser astronauta. Cuando se plantea la demolición de las Torres, Yuri se une a la resistencia. Con sus amigos Diana y Houssam, se embarca en la misión por salvar su hogar.
A Son
Original Music Composer
Tunisia, summer 2011. The holiday to the South of the country ends in disaster for Fares, Meriem and their 10-year-old son Aziz, when he is accidentally shot in an ambush. His injury will change their lives: Aziz needs a liver transplant, which leads to discovery of a long-buried secret. Will Aziz and the relationship survive?
The Unknown Saint
Original Music Composer
Moments before his capture by police, a thief digs a grave to hide a bag of money. Released from prison years later he returns to retrieve the bag, only to find a shrine to an Unknown Saint build directly over his loot, and a brand new village constructed all around it.
The Return
After seven years abroad in Italy, Tarek returns home to Tunisia, he meets Khaled, who is everything he isn't: successful, handsome, and helpful..
Three friends form a gang of pirates, “Sea Burglars”, get assigned to a mission against the Mob, after a large cargo of diamonds was heisted. Things turn into a web of rivalries and paybacks, when one one of them decides to do the mission on his own and escape to Morocco.
Gunshot: Disparo a la verdad
Cuando un enfrentamiento en una protesta termina en un derramamiento de sangre, un médico forense y una periodista se embarcan en una búsqueda de la verdad.
Original Music Composer
Amin has come from Senegal to work in France, leaving behind his wife Aïcha, and their three children. He leads a solitary life in France, where the only space he occupies is his home and the building sites on which he works. Most of his earnings are sent to Senegal. One day, he meets a woman, Gabrielle, and a relationship is born.
Sheikh's Watermelons
In exchange for a few watermelons he loves so much, an Imam organises emergency funerals. His ex-jihadist assistant suspects a conspiracy... A cutting and witty story.
Beauty and the Dogs
Original Music Composer
Mariam sólo quería disfrutar de la noche hasta que se vio envuelta en un suceso trágico. A pesar del trauma, esta estudiante tunecina decide ir a la policía. Pero, ¿qué se puede hacer si los que te persiguen son tu única esperanza?
Año 2012, la ciudad maliense de Tombuctú ha caído en manos de extremistas religiosos. Kidane vive tranquilamente en las dunas con su esposa Satima, su hija Toya e Issam, un niño pastor de 12 años. Pero en la ciudad los habitantes padecen el régimen de terror impuesto por los yihadistas: prohibido escuchar música, reír, fumar e incluso jugar al fútbol. Las mujeres se han convertido en sombras que intentan resistir con dignidad. Cada día, unos tribunales islamistas improvisados lanzan sentencias tan absurdas como trágicas. El caos que reina en Tombuctú no parece afectar a Kidane hasta el día en que accidentalmente mata a Amadou, un pescador que ha acabado con la vida de su vaca favorita. Ahora debe enfrentarse a las leyes impuestas por los ocupantes extranjeros.
Ama Gloria
Cleo is six years old, has a myopic look and has been madly in love with Gloria, her nanny, since she was born. When Gloria receives a call and must urgently return to her home in Cape Verde to care for her two children, whom she has not raised, Cleo makes her promise to meet one last time. Gloria accepts and invites Cleo to spend the summer vacations on her island. A last summer that they will spend together, in Gloria’s family, before inevitably saying goodbye.