Alice Armand


Young People
Vaudeville Actress
Los padres de Wendy Ballantine deciden retirarse del negocio del espectáculo para que pueda tener una vida normal. No son bienvenidos en la pequeña ciudad hasta que una tormenta le permite a la familia mostrar sus cosas.
Girl in 313
A priceless necklace goes missing at a plush party. Police close in on the jewel thieves but is one cop getting too close to one of the crooks?
La reina de la canción
Lillian Russell's Sister
Biopic sobre la estrella de la música Lillian Russell, descubierta en 1890 por Tony Pastor, hasta su retiro en 1912 cuando se casó con el periodista Alexander Moore.
El pájaro azul
Weeping Willow
Mytyl es una niña egoísta y no aprecia los esfuerzos que su encantadora familia hace por ella. Pero un duende la transporta, junto a su hermano, en un viaje fantástico con el fin de hallar “el pájaro que significa la felicidad".
City of Chance
Texas girl goes to New York, becomes a newspaper reporter, and tries to get her gambler boyfriend to come home.
Hotel for Women
Guests at a women's residence club help a jilted small-town girl turn to modelling.
Wife, Husband and Friend
Sally Bostwick
Woman hopes to be a great singer and is encouraged by her scheming teacher. After she flops her husband, encouraged by an amorous professional singer tries opera and also flops.
Tail Spin
Flyer (Uncredited)
Trixie is a female pilot looking to win a big race to advance her career. During one race, however, her plane becomes damaged, and she needs help to repair it. She meets a Navy pilot named "Tex" Price and tries to gain his aid. Tex soon meets another pilot, Gerry, a novice who seeks to win an important upcoming race. Tex, concerned for Gerry's safety, tries to convince her not to race. But Gerry, now a rival of Trixie's, is determined to fly.
Toinette (uncredited)
Two young men try to wrest their father from the clutches of a gold digger but by mistake think the woman is a young nightclub singer with whom they both fall in love.
Wild and Woolly
Townsgirl (uncredited)
Child star Jane Withers along with fellow kiddie favorites like Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer and Jackie Searl (who gives Jane her first on screen kiss!) team up with character greats like Walter Brennan and Lon Chaney Jr. to help their hometown celebrate its golden anniversary. Not unexpectedly, things go astray when a bank robber hopes to cash in on the excitement, but fortunately his plans are thwarted by the towns newly elected sheriff (Brennan)...who's a reformed crook himself!