James Tartan

Nacimiento : 1931-09-11, Youngstown, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 2010-11-26


Not in Front of the Children
Reporter (as Jim Tartan)
Divorced for two years, Nancy Caruthers, asks her new lover, Paul Adams, a medical student, to move in. She has custody of her two daughters, but this new living arrangement prompts her ex-husband, Richard to sue for custody, based on moral grounds. He does not really want the girls to live with him, but his strict religious background will not allow him to stand by and let them be raised in an atmosphere of 'sin.'
The Day the Bubble Burst
A fictionalized account of how the 1929 stock market crash hurt the elite and the struggling, and the forces that may have caused the crash to occur.
La oscura noche del espantapajaros
Mr. Williams
Un joven con retraso mental es objeto de burla de todos en el pueblo donde vive, donde sólo una amiga le hace caso y juega con él. Cuando la niña aparece muerta, es acusado de su muerte, por lo que el joven huye disfrazándose de espantapájaros. Pero un grupo de hombres del pueblo lo encuentra...
On Guard - Bunco!
Alerts and informs the audience about criminals who prey upon the unwary through fraudulent schemes such as those dramatized.