Jacques Lalande


Le vent de la Toussaint
Le père Antoine
A veteran of the Indochina war, a doctor emigrated to Kabylia. He is torn between his love for the sister of a rebel group and his duty as a patriot.
Dulces horas
Uncle Antoñito
Juan, convencido de que su vida está marcada por la influencia del recuerdo, decide reconstruir minuciosamente su pasado...
Charles Clément, canut de Lyon
Le directeur de la prison
The Police War
Fush and Ballestrat are the heads of each department of the French police. Both have the task of combating serious crime and cleaning up the underworld.
La folle de Chaillot
Le prospecteur
Saint-Just and the Force of Things
Antoine Saint-Just, comrade of Robespierre and youngest member of the Committee of Public Safety, is drawn into the tempestuous political & military conflicts of France under the Terror.
Los sospechosos
Una joven turista americana es violada en el sur de Francia, para perder la vida poco después a manos del propio autor del delito. Rápidamente, se procederá a la detención del principal sospechoso.
Marriage a la Mode
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
Lancelot du Lac
Seigneur de Nohant
This story is set in the 13th century, in Britain, where Lancelot, who was raised by Vivian, the Lady of the Lake, becomes one the Knight of the Round Tables and falls secretly in love with Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, for whom he wants to accomplish many deeds.
L'illusion comique
Un padre busca desesperadamente a su hijo, que huyó de la casa hace diez años, cansado de la tiranía paterna. Un corresponsal misterioso, Alcandre, "el hombre con llaves de oro" de un gran hotel parisino y detective aficionado.
Bank Employee
François Holin, apodado Ho, es un antiguo piloto de carreras, conductor de una banda de malhechores que no lo respetan demasiado y lo consideran un inútil. Un día se le presenta la ocasión de dirigir una operación, pero los otros se niegan. Ho tendrá que hacerlo solo.