This is the third feature in a series about an intrepid French spy by the nickname of "The Gorilla," but unlike the earlier films, this time around Roger Hanin replaces Lino Ventura in the title role. A West German scientist has discovered a way to recover missiles shot into space, and the major Western powers are after his secret. Even though the scientist is willing to pass his discovery on to NATO, it is guarded by an elite, undercover West German police force. As foreign agents, including the Russians and Americans, try to get their hands on the secret, "The Gorilla" is forced into the affair by his surly, aging boss -- he has to make sure that the scientist's discovery ends up with NATO.
Executive Producer
Adaptación de la novela de Victor Hugo, con Jean Gabin en el papel de Jean Valjean.
Después de cumplir cinco años de condena, Tony Le Stephanois sale de prisión con la intención de cambiar de vida, pero se encuentra con que su antigua amante está con un conocido gángster. Así las cosas, y careciendo de recursos económicos, no le queda más remedio que volver a su vida pasada y reunirse con sus viejos compinches. Durante semanas prepara minuciosamente con ellos un golpe perfecto: el atraco a una inaccesible joyería de París.
Un policía camuflado traba amistad en la cárcel con un gángster. Al salir, éste le encomienda que vaya a ver a su esposa, de la que no recibe noticias. El policía y la mujer se enamoran...