Paul Matic

Nacimiento : 1967-01-01, Wien, Austria


Una amistad eterna
Una mirada biográfica a Erich Kastner y su mayor fan sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Die Stille danach
Herr Wendt
Paula Rom and her family live in the suburb of a small city - happily and approved by society. Their average and inconspicuous life changes totally, when her 15 years old son shoots ten of his classmates and kills himself afterwards. From that day nothing is how it used to be. The whole family has to struggle with the anger and sorrow of the people around them. They need to deal with the assassination and the circumstances, how it could come to the disaster out of nowhere.
Deckname Holec
Young director Honza David films the Russian invasion in in Prague in August 1968. With Eva the love of his life he tries to get out of the country. He wants to bring the explosive material to Vienna, to the director of the Austrian Television Helmut Zilk. He knows Eva very well but the Czech Secret Service even better ...
Hanna's Sleeping Dogs
Onkel Wolfgang
When Johanna's blind grandmother Ruth tells her the secret about their Jewish past, the “sleeping dogs” of the family history awake.
Ya que te tengo a mano
Vater von Max
Alina tiene una hija de nueve años, Lilia; pero la esconde para no perder el trabajo. Lilia toca el violín y su madre, que no la puede llevar a clase, le pide a Jarek, un exnovio, que la lleve.
Pokerface - Oma zockt sie alle ab
Dr. Weber
"Pokerface - Grandman Takes Them All" - Rosa Hofer accidentally discovered that her son-in-law Udo is highly indebted . She follows and observes him secretly and finds out that he is trying to make some money in illegal poker games in a more than dubious cafe. To avoid the worst and save the family , and the house , which is already overwritten on the children, Rosa treading unusual ways for her. After initial differences, she gets help from Charly, who works in this cafe.
Mae quit school and ran away from home. After her brother’s death her family is broken. Only his red shoes (Chucks) remain. Mae has to start working in a social institution where she meets Paul. He is funny, sensitive, takes Mae as she is - and he is terminally ill. In a book named Chucks Mae writes down her own story about growing up between life and death: wild, tender and absolutely honest.
Käthe Kruse
Leo Schmaus
Como la hija ilegítima de una costurera, la joven Catherine Simon, no tiene perspectivas prometedoras de futuro. Pero en la mujer decidida duermen talentos insospechados. A los 17 años, debutó con un éxito inesperado como actriz en el Berlin Lessing Theatre. El mundo está a sus pies y los sueños comienzan a cumplirse cuando conoce al destacado artista Max Kruse en la fiesta de estreno. Los dos se convirtieron en pareja, pero el escultor recién divorciado no está listo para casarse nuevamente, ni siquiera cuando Käthe está esperando un hijo suyo. Aunque, sin un certificado de matrimonio, pasaron dos felices años juntos, pero su cohabitación ilegítima no se corresponde con la moral de la bella sociedad de Berlín. Entonces el destino golpea de nuevo a su puerta cuando ella comienza a hacer muñecas de trapo para sus hijas.
The Last Summer of the Rich
Albert Heinsel
Vienna's high society parties with sex, drugs, alcohol and young models. Hanna von Stezewitz stands in the center of it all. She's young, attractive and rich, head of a corporate group and one of Vienna's most important financers.
How to Live Your Life
Immanuel Kant
A coming-of-age movie about how hard life is and how great it can be...It's the story about Karl "Charlie" Kolostrum, a young guy who tries to get along with his life but hasn't learned to live as an adult yet.
My Best Enemy
SS Untersturmführer Czorski
Poland 1943: An unlikely pair - a concentration camp prisoner and a captain in Hitler's notorious SS - free themselves from the wreckage of a crashed SS airplane. The two appear to be strangely familiar with each other and the extent of their extraordinary relationship is thrillingly revealed.
Residual Risk
Nuclear security expert Katja Wernecke (Ulrike Folkerts) helps cover up a fire in the German nuclear reactor she works in, before the government takes a decision on extending the usage license for it. But the press uncovers it. PR man Steffen Stratmann (Matthias Koerbelin) is brought in to improve the companies image - but before he can implement his plan a nuclear meltdown occurs. 2m people have to be evacuated. Wernecke re-enters the hot zone to investigate the cause...
Die Mutprobe
SS-Scharführer Hangreiser
16-year old Axel and his clique are rioting in a residential home. There he meets the 80-year old Gustav who gains interest in the young boy, as he reminds him of his lost love.
Liebe in anderen Umständen
Mein Kampf
The young, despotic and untalented artist Adolf Hitler comes to Vienna to study art. He befriends the Jew Schlomo Herzl working on a novel with the title "Mein Kampf". Hitler is rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Herzl's concern for the sad young man continues, and leads him to a new career with disastrous consequences for world history.
Lotti auf der Flucht
Oswald Degenhardt
Die Frau, die einen Mörder liebte