General Manager
El emperador Tiberio envía tropas al norte de Africa para someter a los rebeldes.
Las distintas desventuras de un joven que vive de vender flores de plástico.
Il vescovo
En una población del Véneto son cada vez más frecuentes los hallazgos relacionados con la supuesta llegada de marcianos a la zona. La insistente oleada de rumores hace que hasta el lugar se desplace un equipo de televisión para recabar la opinión de los ciudadanos sobre estos hechos. Toda esta publicidad acabará provocando que el sargento local de los carabinieri sea encargado de abrir una investigación policial sobre el caso.
Young "Paolo" is an orphan who falls in love with the charming singer "Marisa". She hope that he will fund her new magazine, but when she discovers he has already spent all his money on her, she rejects him. Desperate, he does something of which he will soon be ashamed.
Young "Paolo" is an orphan who falls in love with the charming singer "Marisa". She hope that he will fund her new magazine, but when she discovers he has already spent all his money on her, she rejects him. Desperate, he does something of which he will soon be ashamed.
Francesco, il figlio del re
A young man, despite his qualification, can not find work and, after several attempts, asks a classmate, who is secretary of the President of an important Hungarian bank, to make him have a desk in his room and to do so pass for an employee.
Película histórica que se centra en la figura del procónsul romano Escipión y en sus esfuerzos para terminar con el poder del general cartaginés Aníbal.
A comedy about an unemployed fellow who goes to live with his brother and runs into trouble with his brother's overbearing wife.
Figlio di Pacotti
Venice Film Festival 1936