Bastian Schreitling


Heiko's World
Digital Compositor
A son tries to save his mother's eyesight by drinking beer and playing darts.
Visual Effects Supervisor
A lone gunman gets a last-minute pardon from death row, with the mission to deliver a woman of mysterious powers to an evil Governor. Against the backdrop of a frozen, inhospitable earth, Snowblind fires up the classical love triangle with smoking barrels and a ton of red-hot bullets.
Art Direction
A lone gunman gets a last-minute pardon from death row, with the mission to deliver a woman of mysterious powers to an evil Governor. Against the backdrop of a frozen, inhospitable earth, Snowblind fires up the classical love triangle with smoking barrels and a ton of red-hot bullets.
A lone gunman gets a last-minute pardon from death row, with the mission to deliver a woman of mysterious powers to an evil Governor. Against the backdrop of a frozen, inhospitable earth, Snowblind fires up the classical love triangle with smoking barrels and a ton of red-hot bullets.
Director of Photography
A lone gunman gets a last-minute pardon from death row, with the mission to deliver a woman of mysterious powers to an evil Governor. Against the backdrop of a frozen, inhospitable earth, Snowblind fires up the classical love triangle with smoking barrels and a ton of red-hot bullets.
A lone gunman gets a last-minute pardon from death row, with the mission to deliver a woman of mysterious powers to an evil Governor. Against the backdrop of a frozen, inhospitable earth, Snowblind fires up the classical love triangle with smoking barrels and a ton of red-hot bullets.
If you can not see the forest for the trees, life sometimes seems like a postcard.
El sonido del trueno
Visual Effects Coordinator
En el año 2054 los viajes en el tiempo son una realidad. La patente de la nueva tecnología la tiene una empresa al frente de la cual está Charles Hatton (Ben Kingsley), que ha organizado safaris para cazar dinosaurios prehistóricos. Travis Ryan (Edward Burns), como jefe de la expedición, es el encargado de la seguridad de los viajeros. Sin embargo, jugar con el tiempo es muy peligroso y el más mínimo error puede tener consecuencias devastadoras en el presente. Ryan y la doctora Sonia Rand (Catherine McCormack) tendrán que enfrentarse a toda suerte de peligros para sobrevivir y para evitar alteraciones del presente.