Linda Jildmalm


Editorial Consultant
Late in life, writer Albert is experiencing a severe case of writer's block. When he, for the first time in decades, returns to a desolate island, old memories come back to revisit him. These memories turn out to have a cathartic effect on his writing, but are also pulling him deeper and deeper into a frightening dreamscape, where the lines between suppressed trauma and his darkest fantasies blur completely. Things are no longer what they seem to be.
Länge leve bonusfamiljen
Lisa and Patrik have patched up their marriage after Patrik's infidelity, but everything turns upside down when they receive a letter from the district court about their divorce papers, which Lisa had forgotten she had filed.
The intense thriller follows two homeless siblings who turn to the criminal world to survive. Their new life lives take a radical turn when the goods they are meant to transport turn out to be two young girls.
Una joven gimnasta que intenta desesperadamente complacer a su exigente madre, descubre un extraño huevo. Ella lo esconde y lo mantiene caliente, pero cuando sale del cascarón, lo que emerge los sorprende a todos.
The Martyr
Asia lives in a suburb of Stockholm with her two children, Omar and Sara. Sara, the youngest, is trying to live a normal teenage life, while Omar has been in trouble with the law. Just as Asia finally feels he's on the right track, she begins to suspect that he may have been radicalised. In despair, she tries to find out what's going on in his life and looks for help.
We're Still Here
The self-proclaimed manager/coach Florian tries to teach mythological beings how to cope with modern life.
Ágatha, mi vecina detective
Agata Christine, de 10 años, es una apasionada de los misterios. Tanto que ha creado una agencia de detectives privados en el sótano de la casa donde se acaba de mudar con su familia. Su primer rompecabezas la llevará a un asunto mucho más complicado de lo que esperaba…
Beyond Dreams
Mirja must find her place after serving jail time. When she gets a job as a hotel cleaner she starts living a double life. She's torn between her sick mother and her old group of friends, who have always been her real family.
The Nation
In an alternate reality Sweden has become a nationalistic dictatorship and the citizens live in constant fear of being deported. In this dark time Jonna and Felx find each other - but can their love survive the stranglehold of the regime?
When Alena arrives at her new elite boarding school, Filippa and the other girls start to harass her. But Alena’s best friend Josefin won’t let her take anymore beating. If she won’t strike back, Josefin will do it for her. Hard.
La acción transcurre en una pequeña comunidad sueca de idílica apariencia. Pero todo cambia cuando Jennifer, una muchacha de catorce años, asegura que ha sido violada por Alexander, su compañero de clase. El rumor se extiende rápidamente y cada vez son más los que creen que Jennifer miente. Así comienza un linchamiento en el que todo un pueblo exaltado se ensaña con una adolescente y su familia. En este ambiente embrutecido las pruebas y las resoluciones judiciales no significan nada frente a unos adultos decididos a tomarse la justicia por su mano. Nada es excesivo: lo único que importa es permanecer dentro del rebaño.
In a small Swedish town in the early 1990s, a lonely teacher at the local job center, Åsa, finds herself attracted to an unemployed teenager. His youthful charm, adventurous attitude and ambitious personality reminds Åsa of her younger self. Attempting to get closer to him she arranges for a group of youths to try out one of his business ideas - a wildlife retreat in the mountains. But as the weekend progresses, nothing goes according to plan and the group is soon lost in the woods.
After a year abroad Estelle returns home to collect her husband's share of the loot from a major robbery.
Beck 26 - Buried Alive
In a playground in the centre of the urban idyll, the police find a buried wooden box containing a famous and well-respected prosecutor. Martin Beck and his police team initially suspect a highly criminal MC-leader of the attack, but one pretty soon has to re-evaluate the case once the MC-leader is found murdered in a similar wooden box. Soon, more wooden boxes are found and the police realize that they are part of a cat and mouse game with a crazy serial killer. The investigation soon shows that there is a vague connection between the victims in the shape of a 9 year old event, but what Martin Beck does not suspect is that his own life too is at stake, as the murderer has chosen him as the next victim.
An investigation by Óðinn on decades old deaths at a juvenile treatment center, as he proceeds he suspects that the sinister secrets are connected to his ex-wife's mysterious suicide. As well as his daughter's strange behavior.