Ginevra De Carolis


Diabolik chi sei?
Costume Design
Captured by a ruthless criminal gang, Diabolik and Ginko find themselves face to face. Locked in a cell that has no way out, and convinced they are going to die, Diabolik reveals his mysterious past to the inspector. Meanwhile, Eva Kant and Altea are each desperately searching for their two loves. Will the paths of the two rivals cross at last?
Diabolik - Ginko all'attacco!
Costume Design
Sigue a Diabolik y su cómplice Eva Kant en una nueva aventura contra un Inspector Ginko más combativo que nunca.
Summer 2008. Three friends have the chance of a lifetime: opening for their favourite punk hardcore band. At the very last moment, the concert falls through but Edo, Iac and Miche don’t give up. To them punk is more than music, it’s a lifestyle. In a blink, they decide to bring the gig to Grosseto, the silent and conservative city where they live. Nevertheless, all the difficulties and problems they face on their way risk to blow up their lives and their friendship.
Io e Spotty
Costume Design
Perennial university student Eva, who's still having difficulties at adjusting to big city life, takes up a job as dog sitter. After visiting its owner, she finds out the dog—Spotty—is actually Matteo, an introverted young man who copes with modern life by dressing up as a giant puppy. Although initially taken aback by Spotty's true nature, Eva still accepts the job. Over the weeks, something unlikely begins to blossom between the two of them.
Costume Design
Adaptación cinematográfica de las aventuras del personaje creado por Angela y Luciana Giussani en los años 60. Diabolik es un ladrón con miles de disfraces y con miles de trucos. Gracias a sus especiales máscaras de plástico, es como una especie de camaleón capaz de mimetizarse a su gusto y escapar de los adversarios hasta en situaciones muy peligrosas.
The Crypt Monster
In the '80s, a teenage nerd notices sinister parallels between the story of his favorite comic book and the real life horrors befalling the small town where he lives. He and a few friends seek to investigate.
The Crypt Monster
Costume Design
In the '80s, a teenage nerd notices sinister parallels between the story of his favorite comic book and the real life horrors befalling the small town where he lives. He and a few friends seek to investigate.
Bed Number 6
Costume Design
La doctora Bianca Valentino es contratada para cubrir el turno de noche en la sala de un hospital pediátrico. Se encuentra inmersa en un entorno que, tras su tranquilizadora imagen, esconde un terrorífico secreto ligado a su pasado como asilo infantil. El fantasma de una niña deambula por los pasillos atormentándola y transformando sus noches en la clínica en una pesadilla sin fin que día tras día está a punto de hacerse realidad.
The End?
Costume Design
Claudio Verona es un joven y cínico hombre de negocios. Un día se queda encerrado en el ascensor de su oficina en Roma antes de una importante reunión con un cliente. Pronto este obstáculo molesto se convertirá en una pesadilla. Al otro lado de la jaula de metal, un virus mortal ha comenzado a infectar y a transformar a la gente en zombis extremadamente violentos y peligrosos. Claudio tiene que salir de su espacio claustrofóbico, pero parece que el ascensor es el lugar más seguro para estar en la ciudad.
I Was a Dreamer
At 39 years of age Mirko has just left prison. In the outskirts of Rome, a new future waits for him. When he is elected president of the homeowners’ committee, he realises that he can dream of a different kind of existence. Not only for himself and his family, but for the whole suburb where he lives. This film deals with a “bandit” who, with the help of his best friend Boccione, wants to turn the indifference of the suburb into solidarity and the roads into luxuriant fields of tomatoes, becoming the bearer of a happiness he does not know how to reach. It is the story of a fragile and irrational dream: offering a future to those who do not even believe they deserve a present.
Short Skin
Costume Design
Ever since he was a child, the seventeen-years-old Edoardo has suffered from a malformation of the foreskin that stops him from masturbating and makes him insecure and ill at ease with girls. Shut up in his sexless microcosm, Edoardo reacts with irritation to the pressures of the outside world, which do nothing but exacerbate his insecurity. Forced against his will to emerge from the shadows in which he has hidden for years, Edoardo will initially try to solve his problem by clumsy stratagems before finding, at last, the courage to face his own fears.