Barbara Jane Reams


Aulas violentas
Albanian Girl
Acaba de escapar de un campo de prisioneros y su prioridad ahora es cumplir la promesa que hizo a un compañero en su lecho de muerte: entregar una medalla a su hija, quien trabaja como profesora en un conflictivo colegio.
Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Mary Ingalls
A version of the "Little House" stories that cover some of the events that take place in the last three books of the series and the book "The First Four Years" Laura is living on the prairie near De Smet, South Dakota and eventually meets the man that she will marry, Almanzo Wilder. Life, however, is not easy on the prairie and after a crop lost to hail, the loss of their baby son, the burning down of their house, and a terrible bout of diphtheria, the Wilders must make some hard choices about how to move on from the tragedies. Written by Anonymous
A Town Has Turned to Dust
Maya Paul, Jerry's Wife
In a futuristic desert hamlet, a ruthless town boss lynches a falsely accused Native American teen, setting the stage for revolt and a clash with a troubled, drunken sheriff.