Simone Saibene

Nacimiento : 1977-10-29, Busto Arsizio


Simone Saibene was born on 1977 in Busto Arsizio (Varese), and grew up in Cirimido (Como), Italia. He graduated with honors at the IULM University of Milan (Italy) in 1994. He attended courses in theatre, music and photography. From 2006 to 2010 he worked as programmer, cultural animator at the Foundation San Fedele in Milan. Professor, journalist and critic audiovisual, collaborates with various media and institutions, among others, the Instituto Cervantes Milan, CGAI of A Coruña (Spain), University of Vigo (Spain) and the Esap of Porto (Portugal). He was part of the jury of various international film festivals. He lives in Galicia (Spain) where he formed his own production and distribution company Noveolas Producciones.


Luzía visits the eight stages of the 'pilgrimage' that the intellectuals Otero Pedrayo, Vicente Risco and Ben-Cho-Shey hiked from Ourense to San Andrés de Teixido in 1927; the story of the journey was published in the book ‘Pelerinaxes I’ (Pilgrimages I). She carries out this journey in order to finish up an audiovisual project about Otero Pedrayo’s book started at the University, together with a colleague who passed away in an accident.
Luzía visits the eight stages of the 'pilgrimage' that the intellectuals Otero Pedrayo, Vicente Risco and Ben-Cho-Shey hiked from Ourense to San Andrés de Teixido in 1927; the story of the journey was published in the book ‘Pelerinaxes I’ (Pilgrimages I). She carries out this journey in order to finish up an audiovisual project about Otero Pedrayo’s book started at the University, together with a colleague who passed away in an accident.
9 Olas
En la frontera entre Galicia y Portugal, un hombre olvida sus recuerdos al beber agua de una fuente. Comienza así un camino hacia su verdadera identidad. La película está producida enteramente mediante crowdfunding y con un presupuesto total de 23.000€. (FILMAFFINITY)
9 Olas
En la frontera entre Galicia y Portugal, un hombre olvida sus recuerdos al beber agua de una fuente. Comienza así un camino hacia su verdadera identidad. La película está producida enteramente mediante crowdfunding y con un presupuesto total de 23.000€. (FILMAFFINITY)