Suzanne von Borsody

Suzanne von Borsody

Nacimiento : 1957-09-23, München, Germany


Suzanne von Borsody is a German actress. She comes from a prominent theatre family, being the daughter of actress Rosemarie Fendel and actor Hans von Borsody. Her grandfather, Eduard von Borsody, was a famous director, while his brother, her great uncle, Julius von Borsody, was an equally famous set designer.


Suzanne von Borsody


Der Liebhaber meiner Frau
So weit das Meer
Die Informantin - Der Fall Lissabon
After the success of the first film "Die Informantin", which delighted over 5.5 million viewers, the story of the undercover law student Aylin is now being told. She actually doesn't want anything to do with the LKA. But she has no choice. In "Der Fall Lissabon" she has to spy on a star lawyer who launders money for terrorist cells. Should she refuse, the life of her sister and that of her niece is threatened. Crime scene inspector Aylin Tezel embodies a brave young woman who gets caught between the fronts and can only rely on her instinct.
La pequeña bruja
Rumpumpel Witch
La pequeña bruja sólo tiene 127 años, y es demasiado joven para poder acudir a la asamblea nacional de brujas. Además ella no quiere ser simplemente una bruja, ¡quiere ser la mejor de las brujas! Esta decisión le traerá más de un problema en su mundo mágico.
Willkommen bei den Honeckers
Elke Marbach
Max Bretschneider pretends to be a communist in order to conduct the last interview with Erich Honecker.
The Final Journey
A former German Army officer, accompanied by his granddaughter, journeys to the Ukraine to find the woman he once loved.
Los Investigadores y La Maldición Del Rey Oscuro
Isabell Levartis
En una excursión del colegio, Mia y su compañero de clase Benny van de visita a la casa de campo de la familia Gruber. Allí investigarán un misterioso hechizo. Y es que, el ganado de los Gruber está enfermando, el agua del pozo se vuelve negra, el granero se incendia y además en la casa han aparecido misteriosos símbolos de brujería. ¿Qué estará pasando? ¿Será el malvado espíritu de la montaña o tal vez alguien está tratando de llevar a los Guber a la ruina? Juntos lo descubrirán.
Die letzte Reise
Heike Wiechmann
The family of Katharina Krohn is shocked when they learn that she is a member of a Swiss organization that helps people who have decided to leave this life, even though she has no life-threatening disease like many of the other members, but because she has lost the will to face life after the death of her husband.
Tres padres
Jasper solo quiere conocer a su padre ... Para cumplir su deseo, su madre, Maike debe averiguar quién es . Kit y Caboodle Maike hacen una escala en su pueblo natal , el idílico Füdrum. Su hija Jasper Luise , conoce finalmente a su abuela Inge. Deciden pues acampar por unos días - hasta que puedan decirle a Jasper, quien es su padre biológico.
Un verano en Florida
Henriette Stetter
Henriette ,bióloga marina, quiere ir de vacaciones con sus hijos Mara y Nils, antes de que se vayan a estudiar a Berlín. Pero ellos tienen unos planes diferentes a su madre.
The Informer
The young law student Aylin knows exactly what she wants: Become a lawyer. To finance her studies, she works as an escort girl. Because she had to defend herself against a pushy businessman, now threatened five years in prison. From the police comes an offer that she embarks on in her distress: As a decoy Aylin can avert her punishment and even continue to study law. Drug investigator Jan and his boss Hannah use them on the smuggler Musab to arrest him in the act. How dangerous the clever Clan chief can be, but they both do not say.
Das Kloster bleibt im Dorf
While four nuns of a women's monastery in the Eifel begin their day, Bishop Rentschler decides to sell their monastery. The Prioress agrees, Novice Ruth is outraged. Bittner, who runs the village shop, is appalled by the news and worries about former Prioress Philippa, who is suffering from dementia. The bishop receives a protest letter, which is why a mediator is sent to the nuns. It is the psychologist Ulrike Purscheck. Her motivation seminar, however, with the appeal to let go of the old, but with the nuns on closed ears - except for sister Brionie.
Franziska Sahl
Utta Danella - Die Himmelsstürmer
Universes meet: Jule Ronstedt as a woman, who is a mystery of the world of numbers, and Alexander Beyer as astrophysicists collect the stars together from the sky. Thomas Kronthaler provides cinematic proof that there is no contradiction between mathematics and love. Other roles include Friedrich von Thun, Günther Maria Halmer and Suzanne von Borsody.
Hanna's Journey
A German girl travels to Israel to help people with disabilities, where she learns a lot about the role of her grandparents in WWII and meets a man who wants to move to Berlin.
Arnes Nachlass
Hanni & Nanni 3
Frau Mägerlein
The Lindenhof School is expecting a busload of proper young English ladies as exchange students. The shock is great when the students turn out to be teenage boys! But while Mademoiselle Bertoux is delighted to stage “Romeo and Juliet” with real boys, both Hanni and her sister Nanni fall for their “Romeo,” Clyde.
Patrick feels absolutely lonely when he decides to search for his supposable genitor after the suicide of his mother. He doesn’t have a plan, a goal or hopes. He just wants to meet the phantom that he thinks is the reason for his mother’s death.
Ein schmaler Grat
Psychothriller by facts. A lightly labile journalist (Felicitas Woll) wants to explore the motives of a women murderer (Heiner Lauterbach). When he was arrested, Johannes Heintz (Lauterbach) confessed that he had strangled seven women. He will not say more. "The people outside have me as a monster. I will not give them satisfaction. "From now on, neither the investigator Uwe Wolfmann (Jürgen Prochnow) nor the most skilled psychiatrists come to him. The stubborn journalist Dana Herrendobler (Woll) comes to the scene. She wants to interview the murderer, the causes and background of his deeds. Nervously, she faces the perpetrator and is astonished: Heintz is charming, intelligent and sensitive. He agrees to speak openly with the reporter - when Dana opens to him as well. If that works out? Because Dana is hunted by his own demons ...
Hanni & Nanni 2
Frau Mägerlein
The summer break is over and the twins returned to Lindenhof. That has now changed a lot. Because Mrs Theobald had to travel, Mademoiselle Bertoux has taken the lead.
Adivina quien viene a la boda
Theresa Bergmann
Lisa acepta con entusiasmo casarse con su amigo croata, Hrvoje. Sin emabargo, sus familias son incompatibles: la madre de Hrvoje es católica y muy erstricta y la de Lisa es hippie.
La herencia
Anna Sobek
En un pequeño pueblo, un accidente fatal acaba con la vida del hermanastro de Franz. Secretamente descubre su testamento.
El chino
Judge Birgitta Roslin
La policía investiga el asesinato de 18 vecinos de una pequeña ciudad sueca. La jueza Birgitta Roslin descubre que las víctimas tenían alguna relación con ella y sus sospechas la llevarán hasta China.
Hanni & Nanni
Mrs. Mägerlein
Esta vez, Hanni y Nanni fueron demasiado lejos. Todo comenzó como una simple broma, pero terminó en una persecución salvaje por un centro comercial. Para colmo, las dos niñas fueron acusadas de robo. Las mellizas son expulsadas del colegio y sus padres deciden mandarlas a un internado llamado “Lindenhof”. Allí comienza una nueva vida para ellas. Mientras que Nanni, con su tranquila personalidad, rápidamente hace nuevas amistades, Hanni, con su fuerte carácter, tiene más problemas para adaptarse. La primera prueba crucial surge cuando el equipo de hockey de “Lindenhof” debe jugar contra JoCats, el equipo tan querido de su antiguo colegio; Hanni y Nanni deben decidir a quiénes van a ser fieles. Un descubrimiento inesperado les ayuda a tomar la decisión. Cuando “Lindenhof” también se enfrenta a un peligro, Hanni y Nanni finalmente comprenden que allí es donde pertenecen. Es así que las mellizas hacen un plan audaz… (FILMAFFINITY)
Until Nothing Remains
Ursula Friedrich
Böse Zauberin
A wicked witch locked Rapunzel in a tall tower without doors. Whenever she wanted to enter, the witch would call, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair", and Rapunzel would lower her extremely long hair for the witch to climb. Years pass until one day a prince, riding through the forest, heard her beautiful singing and was captivated.
Ein geheimnisvoller Sommer
Esther Kaufmann
Cita misteriosa en Bangkok
Vicky Wessendorf
Seis semanas después de la muerte accidental de su marido, Vicky Wessendorf decide viajar a Bangkok para investigar los antecedentes del lugar de la tragedia. Su marido George había comprado un piso de lujo en la ciudad, que Vicky quiere vender lo más rápido posible.
Marietta Lahn
Spring 2008 in a suburb of Munich: Hannah Bergmann and her father Frank are kidnapped. The kidnappers do not just want money, they want to destroy an empire.
Schlaflos in Oldenburg
Lis Praetorius
Späte Aussicht
Agnes Engelhardt
Comenzar de nuevo
Lady Elizabeth 'Liz' Dewhurst
Una familia aristócrata escocesa queda destrozada tras la muerte de su díscolo heredero en un accidente de equitación. Su hermana Elizabeth debe hacer frente a la precaria situación económica de la familia.
Der Sonnenhof
Katharina Kamp
Financial Officer Katharina Kamp has to collect tax debts from the stud owner Carl von Balkhausen. She arranges a local appointment, but the grumpy squire ignores her. When Katharina unexpectedly loses her brother and his wife in an accident, she initially has very different worries. She lovingly takes care of her niece Lara, who survived the accident and now sits in a wheelchair indefinitely. By chance, Carls and Katharina's paths intersect again. He and his horses work wonders for Lara and Katharina.
Das zweite Leben
Gabi Kreutzer
With the Next Dance, Everything Becomes Different
Martha Brönner
Leo is a dance instructor conqueror who wins the heart of all students. One day, his boss, dissatisfied with the attitude of the teacher decides to give a lesson to Leo and sends him away. After losing his job and be unable to pay its debts, his only chance is to teach at a school dance that only selects older women to teach. Desperate, Leo asks for help to a friend and makeup artist becomes "Leonore" to get the job. There, he meets Sandra, a sweet single mom who is secretly in love with Marco, an instructor hunky not notice its presence. By figuring out how Sandra is good dancer, Leo decides to be your partner in a competition, where he finally understands the true feelings he has for her.
Ein Leben wie im Flug
The celebration of Joachim 'Blacky' Fuchsberger's 80th birthday. A biographical documentary.
Joy Division-Escuadrón letal
Durante la II Guerra Mundial un escuadrón de hombres atacó y violó sin piedad a muchas mujeres de origen judío. Se les llamó “Joy Division”. El terror que sembraban entre la población era aún mayor que el que causaba la propia guerra. Thomas, que de adolescente había luchado contra el Ejército Rojo, logra huir hacia el Oeste junto a una joven aliada. Finalmente, los rusos lo capturan y desaparece sin dejar rastro.
Daniel Käfer - Die Schattenuhr
Eine Liebe in Königsberg
Iris Bulatow
Margarete Steiff
Mutter Steiff
Based on the life of German toymaker Margarete Steiff, the movie shows her long way from a 10-year-old girl, confined to a wheelchair, to one of the first and most successful creators of toy stuffed animals.
Der zweite Blick
Daniel Käfer - Die Villen der Frau Hürsch
Außer Kontrolle
Silvia Newer
Liebe hat Vorfahrt
Sonja Franke
A misfortune rarely comes alone: ​​First caught the charming Munich wine merchant Sonja Franke her husband in red handed, then she gets in her state of shock even in a traffic control. She arrives promptly in court because of excessive speed, where the meticulous judge Alain Mayer withdraws her driver's license. So Sonja must travel by train to her most important winemaker. But in the course of the extremely turbulent journey, Sonja realizes that her "merciless" judge can be a thoroughly sympathetic and loveable man.
Una casa solitaria
Dr. Ellen Weiss
Ellen Weiss es una renombrada psiquiatra especializada en violadores, hombres agresivos y violentos. Cuando alquila una casa aislada al lado de un lago no imagina que el vecino es un psicópata y que ya la conoce. Thriler televisivo basado en la novela más conocida de la escritora de libros de misterio Anne Mclean Matthews. La cinta rodada en Alemania está protagonizada por la actriz Suzanne von Borsody ("Justiz: justicia"), una intérprete bastante conocida en su país y con una destacable trayectoria interpretativa.
Zwischen Liebe und Tod
Gestern gibt es nicht
Sandra Puttgammer
Die Geisel
Ella Jansen
Mensch Mutter
The Puppet Grave Digger
Trude Schlösser
In a small German town roams Ben, a boy with mental disorders. When several youths are murdered Ben becomes suspect.
Tormenta en el Báltico
Ms. Sundwall
La historia de cómo una periodista alemana y un abogado sueco descubren la verdad acerca de la tragedia del ferry Estonia. El barco naufragó en mitad del mar Báltico en 1994, y en esta catástrofe murieron más de 800 personas. Hasta el día de hoy ésta se considera una de las mayores catástrofes ocurridas en aguas europeas...
Die Verhoevens
Narrator (voice)
The history of a family, in the film business now for three generations, behind and in front of the camera. The film is not only a foray through the history of this remarkable family, but also through the history of German film and contemporary history as well.
Davon stirbt man nicht
Laura Melzer
Mask Under Mask
Lilly unter den Linden
Marlene „Lena“ Wollmann
Leo & Claire
Claire Katzenberger
In 1933 Nuremberg, successful Jewish businessman Leo Katzenberger owns an apartment building and runs a shoe store. A devoted family man, he has a good relationship with his loving wife Claire. As the climate in Germany grows increasingly dangerous, bombshell Irene moves to the neighborhood. After forming an unlikely friendship, his relationship with Irene is immediately regarded with suspicion.
Nicht ohne deine Liebe
Julia Boysen
The successful spoiled stock market pro Arthur Boysen is a winner. When he is diagnosed with an incurable disease of the nervous system, he takes on the fight against the disease. - Gripping drama with Robert Atzorn as a charismatic financier, who only by the threat of a deadly disease can recognize the value of love for his wife.
Wie buchstabiert man Liebe?
Anna Jurak
Anna is illiterate. Her patronizing husband Rolf has always taken advantage of this to patronize his wife. But that is over now. Anna took the difficult step and moved into her own apartment with the children. Fortunately, her best friend Maria lives next door to help Anna read important forms. Anna also found a job through Maria's mediation. Anna waits in a bistro in which the eccentric best-selling author Tom Dellwig is one of the regulars. The vain writer always expects everyone to dance to his tune.
Der Held an meiner Seite
Ellen Reuter
Eine Handvoll Glück
Dr. Martha Rieger
Zwei unter einem Dach
Hanna Pieber
Small war among pensioners: The charming chaotic Walter Hofer and the pedant Eberhard Gatzweiler have had a love-hate relationship for decades. Not even their grandson Martin can change that. During the lovable tug-of-war for the favor of Martin's attractive teacher Hanna, the waves get even higher, but Hanna has completely different worries.
Charlotte Seidlitz
Marlene is a 2000 German biopic film directed by Joseph Vilsmaier and starring Katja Flint, Hans Werner Meyer and Herbert Knaup. It follows the life of the German actress Marlene Dietrich and her success in Hollywood.
Die Geiseln von Costa Rica
Marlies Suter
Dunkle Tage
Angela Rinser
Margarethe von Trotta's TV movie focuses on a woman whose life is destroyed by her addiction to alcohol. Angela Rinser is a happy mother of two children and quite successful in her job as bilingual secretary. The sudden death of her husband changes everything. She starts drinking and loses her job. Her children Felicitas and Max try to hush up their social decline for years because they don't want to live in a foster home.
Ich liebe meine Familie, ehrlich
Julia Schiller
Die Mörderin
Liebe und weitere Katastrophen
Mechthild Weiß
Am I Beautiful?
German people having trouble with love and identity.
Corre Lola, corre
Frau Jäger
Manni es un ladrón de poca monta que acepta participar en un gran golpe: vender unos diamantes robados por cien mil marcos que debe entregar a mediodía a un traficante. Pero pierde la bolsa que contiene el dinero en el metro de Berlín. Como último recurso, llama a su novia, Lola (de veinte años, cabellos rojos, frágil pero decidida), y le explica la situación. Son las once y cuarenta minutos; si en veinte minutos Manni no ha recuperado el dinero, es hombre muerto. Desesperada, la joven se precipita hacia la capital. Tiene veinte minutos para encontrar cien mil marcos, reunirse con Manni y salvar al hombre de su vida.
Dr. Klein
The anesthetist Dr. Katrin Klein is new at the Dresden Transplant Center, which enjoys an excellent reputation. The star surgeon Prof. Gerhard Harrer works here. Katrin has known and admired the professor since her assistantship. But then her heroic image of Professor Harrer begins to falter. The young doctor seems to be the only one to notice that the luminary apparently has an alcohol problem. But nobody believes you. When Harrer finally collapses in the middle of an operation, he is suspended from duty. Katrin stands by him, but more problems are waiting in the clinic.
Kind zu vermieten
Karin Kupfer
Camille Foulet
El rico Westerner emprende un viaje para buscar a su hija que desapareció entre Montreal y Zurich. La desaparición está relacionada con una secta que selecciona a sus seguidoras por su herencia, educación y belleza física.
Dr. Daphne Czap
Flight of the Albatross
After a period of separation, Sarah visits her research scientist mother on a remote New Zealand island. Before long Sarah becomes inextricably involved in events involving both Maori legend and an Albatross.
Zerrissene Herzen
After the death of their parents, the sisters Astrid and Britta want to make the Winkelmann fashion house number one in their hometown. Astrid accepts that her already troubled marriage to Bernd suffers from the ambitious goal - until Bernd agrees to have a relationship with Britta. When she gets pregnant, there is a scandal between the sisters.
Wer Kollegen hat, braucht keine Feinde
A thriller about mobbing.
Gertrud Sternke
Brennendes Herz
Follows the life of the famous German politician, writer, and communist activist, Gustav Regler, from his birth in 1898, in the Saar, through the two World Wars and his many travels, until his death in 1963 in India.
Tödliches Geld
Anita Zorzi de Lucca
Ich bin unschuldig - Ärztin im Zwielicht
Sophie Blum
Sigrid Dengler
Lauras Entscheidung
Laura Völlenklee
Z-man's Kinder
Tod in Miami
Vera Vogt
Daphne Winter
Senator Isaak Kohler shoots and kills Professor Winter in a crowded restaurant, while Winter is dining with the struggling idealistic young lawyer, Felix Spat. Kohler puts up no defense and is sentenced to twenty years. Kohler then gets his daughter Helene to pay the reluctant Spat to reinvestigate the case, on the assumption that Kohler is innocent. The newspapers pick up on this and begin to question whether Kohler was wrongly convicted.
König & Consorten
Die Liebesreise des Herrn Matzke
Eastern Cross
OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The film deploys a neorealist aesthetic to reinforce the difficulties confronting the girl, and by inference, Germany.
Fifty Fifty
El poder de los sentimientos
Knautsch-Betty - Prostituierte
La emoción y los sentimientos no deben ser confundidos con el sentimentalismo. La emoción es antiquísima y mucho más poderosa que cualquier expresión artística. El filme observa a jóvenes parejas enfrentándose a dificultades mientras intentan trasladar sus experiencias amorosas hacia tomas de decisiones claras. Una película llena de ideas, detalles y asociaciones, escenas de ficción, imágenes documentales, materiales de archivo y música de ópera.
Theodor Chindler - Die Geschichte einer deutschen Familie
Gerda Riemer
Auf den Hund gekommen
Der Mann aus dem Bootshaus