Sigrid Horne-Rasmussen
Nacimiento : 1915-09-22, Hellerup, Denmark
Muerte : 1982-04-24
Una mezcla de identidades ocurre cuando un ingeniero es confundido con el autor de un libro de memorias erótico. El libro se refiere a los nobles habitantes de una cierta casa solariega. El problema es que el señor actual de esa finca es una persona muy puritana e intolerante. Lo que no sabe es que sus tías solteras escribieron el escandaloso tomo.
Herta Andersen
El rico benefactor de la ciudad muere y deja un legado extraño: a menos que uno de los ciudadanos justos pueda tener un hijo ilegítimo en 9 meses y medio, todo su dinero va a los gatos sin hogar, y deben comenzar a pagar impuestos.
Frk. Astra Adele
El enfoque inminente de Venus, conocido por causar "comportamiento erótico perturbador", envía a dos hombres con misiones muy diferentes a la ciudad de Petit-Bois. Una para salvar a las colegialas de la lujuria, la otra para probar un nuevo afrodisíaco. El caos está asegurado.
Frk. Abildgaard
A police lieutenant woman goes undercover into a mansion where a couple maintains a school to teach young women how to catch a man... Especially if they are rich and into marriage. The courses include a number of disciplines, including judo and strip-tease.
Fru Jensen
The last day of school before the summer, held farewell to the school year. Hurray a long summer ahead. Rikke joined the feminist and is demonstrating against marriage.
Un estudiante de odontología es el único pariente de su tía, que primero debe asegurarse de que sea un hombre de verdad antes de pasarle su empresa. Contrata a una prostituta para él. Mientras tanto, aparecen rumores sobre su riqueza y las mujeres empiezan a mostrar interés.
Zenita Larsen
Mrs. Jonsen discovered after her husband's death, that he was not at all a paragon, she thought. Her sister and some diary notes reveal him as a man with numerous amourous adventures.
Fru Jensen
Police constable Møller'og psychiatrist Dr. Mogensen will have something to watch as the Pusle to everyone's surprise finds out that she can do magic. On her birthday she gets sent an ancient, magical figure from her uncle in South America. On the same day Pusle's parents has to travel to London, and the large family is now left to strict aunt Alma.
Shopkeeper Mrs. Nielsen
Newly married to a sexually perverted German millionaire, Siv submits herself to endless degradation before discovering that her husband harbors a diabolical secret.
Fru Jørgensen
Danish family film directed by Carl Ottosen
Kokkepigen 'Putte
Danish family film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
Wilhelmine Jacobsen
Fru Eriksen
Fru J.O. Sand
A millionaire gets amnesia after a hit to the head and now he has to rediscover his past and decide what kind of man he wants to be in the future.
It's Nifty in the Navy is a 1965 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
Rigmor, Fru Hansen
Caretaker Alf Thomsen's very effective "alarm clock" comes once again in operation, and has again succeeded in getting him up to speed, despite their incessant discussions back and forth. Everything is peaceful and idyllic. Sleeping city housing block, with the famous staircase is to embark on a new day
The Danish minister of defense decides to join the army incognito to observe. This causes CHAOS. It also causes him to meet the major's daughter. He ends up becoming the major's orderly which gets him closer to the daughter.
Bastian and Lene are a good couple, as a journalist and press photographer. They take turns to get ideas for how to get a scoop for the magazine "Tit og Lyt". They agree to play husband and wife so that Bastian can get an apartment. Lene is deeply in love with Bastian why she gets their mutual friend Soren to send a man from the housing authority. He says that they most have one child to stay in the apartment.
Fru Frederiksen
Director Paul Borg (Ebbe Langberg) neglects his young, beautiful wife Marianne (Ghita Nørby). He even forget their wedding day, in favor of a new fast sports car, a beautiful silver-gray Jaguar. During his drive, he runs out of gas. A young lady Laura Lublinski (Hanne Borchsenius), helps him and he takes an innocent flirtation with her. When Marianne learns this, she moves home and dump into an artist community with Jenny (Bodil Steen), Ovengaden of water 52 in Christianshavn. Here she takes the unrepentant Don Juan, Mario (Dario Campeotto) and the guitar-playing Eigil (Dirch compatible).
Fru Schwanenkopf
Tante Klara Jensen
Ullabellas mor
The cheerful, traveling musicians Flink and Villy meet sweet music in the form of two girls. Unfortunately, the chrome nut is tone deaf and chases them away. Luck smiles on them, however, because the nearby castle Bullerborg is abandoned. Flink and Villy move in - and get mixed up in a fight between a cunning lawyer, a bankrupt count and a sausage maker family.
Fru Stella
En herlig komedie om:En teaterdirektør i pengenød.En skuespiller der håber på det storegennembrud.En vandpyt.Et rygte om forlovelse mellem skuespillerindenog en stenrig skibsredder.Endnu en vandpyt.Og så en masse skægge forviklinger.. Forvirret?Det bliver Kjeld Petersen også i et affilmens højdepunkter: Der sidder 4 mandpå en tømmerflåde!
Fru Schwanenkopf
Every year, thousands of young men are summoned to undergo an education where completely different demands are made than in civilian life. The soldiers must be in perfect physical form and they must learn to deal with modern weapons.
Faster Ragnhild Jacobsen
Mine Holm
Niels Pind er en drukkenbolt der bliver udnyttet af nogle af byens beboere. Dette får en ende, da hans søn, Jens kommer tilbage fra Amerika med en masse penge. Jens køber det lokale gods og begynder at udvinde grus fra jorden. Han får hurtigt et dårligt omdømme i området fordi han kun tænker på penge. Niels Pind slår hånden af sin søn. Jens ændres dog, efterhånden som han bliver mere og mere forelsket i Ingrid.
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.
A tale of wealthy youth in post-WWII Copenhagen.
In the small idyllic town Randrup, lives on nature-loving and friendly thatcher Rasmus Thomsen (Oswald Helmuth). In addition to refurbish people's roofs, he runs a small "geschæft" that "The wise man". Son Ulf (Frits Helmuth), which reads the doctor's home on leave before the final exam in Copenhagen. Rasmus' big dream has always been that Ulf had to be "real doctor" and achieve what he always wanted so dearly. By thrift and income have gained through the many patients who seek Him from far and near, he has been able to afford his son's studies. His reputation as a wise man has knowledge of.
Fru Hansen, husmor
Danish Black & White Movie from 1956 starring 32 of the most popular danish actors...
Helga Nielsen
Factory worker Otto Nielsen and his wife Helga live in a 2-room apartment in a sad Copenhagen suburbs district, where the S-trains still bumble by, but of course, such things can be used to. They have five children and it is often difficult to meet daily expenses. Nielsen has bought a building site outside the city, it is his dream to once again be able to exchange the narrow apartment with his own house.
Vores lille by er en ganske almindelig samling af huse et tilfældigt sted i Danmark beboet af ganske almindelige mennesker. Ingenting af betydning er sket indenfor de sidste 100 år eller deromkring, byen sover sin Tornerosesøvn med ansigtet vendt mod fjorden og ryggen mod det lave land, da alle tiders uvejr trækker ubemærket hen over dem, såsom tordenbyger og sommerskyer højt, højt oppe. Til denne by ankommer en dag en landstryger som er ret ualmindelig, Laust (Carl Ottosen) kalder han sig han har ikke ligefrem tænkt sig at blive hængende i byen, men er kun tilfældigt drevet denne her vej under sin lange søgen efter et sted og nogle mennesker han kan knytte sin skæbne til.
Olsen, enkefrue
Directed by Danish filmmakers Bjarne and Astrid Henning-Jensen, THOSE BLASTED KIDS tells a story of a group of back-alley urchins that is considered Denmark’s first true children’s film.
Eva Palmer
Peter Soeborg and Susanne have been happily married for a month. He is a postman, but very gifted voice and in a couple of years participated as korherre Alhambra Theatre's operettas. Peter and especially his cute little wife proud dreams for the future, and their mutual friend, the old dresser Kragelund, who lives in the same house, also believe in Peter's abilities. There has to be premiered at the operetta "Love", and Peter hopes to be considered. But it should prove to be quite easy.
Juliane - Adams forlovede
A lost hat brings a powerful director and an aspiring actress together.
A woman wants to teach her unfaithful husband a lesson for his constant stepping out. However, she might fall into her own trap when she falls in love with an attractive pianist.
After three long years, the young legal secretary Bodil is reunited with his former girlfriend Carsten. Their love affair flares up again, but unfortunately Bodil has meanwhile come a little too close to his boss' son, the skirt hunter Hugo. And he has no intention of making Bodil happy.
Lotte Cloc
A young woman of good family is driven into one of thieves and prostitutes and ends in suicide.
Journalisten Molly
Oda Holm
Lad det være sagt med det samme. Musikken i "Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig" er fantastisk. Den bliver faktisk bedre og bedre med årene. Men det er også en operettefilm, hvor Kai Normann Andersen har komponeret, og hvor Teddy Petersen dirigerer. Så kunne det næppe gøres bedre i 1941. Handlingen i filmen er rimelig. Den er i hvert fald bedre end tilsvarende film fra samme periode fra den anden side af "dammen". Det er musikken, der løfter filmen op i de høje skylag. "Toner fra himlen" og selvfølgelig "Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig".
Baldurs Kone
Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
After staying 3 years in America the Countess Ellie Stenholt (Marguerite Viby) returns home to Denmark and the family estate Stenholt. She finds that everything isn't going well noticing that the estate is falling apart and money is short.
Professorens stuepige
I en lille sjællandsk landsby, hvor alt tilsyneladende er lutter idyl, lever syersken Bolette Jensen, en djærv kvinde, som har gjort sine bitre erfaringer og nu er frygtet for sin skarpe tunge. Bolette plejer at sige sin mening uden omsvøb, og da sandheden som bekendt er ilde hørt, er hun ikke synderlig afholdt af sognets magthavere, hvis mest fremtrædende skikkelse er sognerådsformanden Peter Enevoldsen. Bolette får en alvorlig opgave, da den unge kønne Sofie skal have barn, og Bolette tager sig straks af den ulykkelige pige og lover, at hun nok skal komme til at spadsere op ad kirkegulvet med sin Karl.