Gerald Pettersen


Olav Norheim
Una joven intenta encontrar sus orígenes después de haber sido abandonada de niña en un cementerio envuelta en una tela con símbolos satánicos, pero a medida que se acerca a las respuestas, un espíritu malévolo le dice que se vaya.
Catching the Flame
Hans E. Kinck
This docudrama takes us on a journey through Nikolai Astrup's life and the inspiration behind some of his most famous paintings until his early death in 1928.
La decisión del rey
Johan Nygaardsvold
Tres días extremadamente dramáticos vividos en Noruega en Abril de 1940. Tras la llegada del ejército alemán a Oslo, el rey noruego Haakon VII recibe un ultimátum impensable por parte de los alemanes: rendirse o morir. Ante esta situación, el rey deberá tomar una decisión que cambiará para siempre la historia de su país.
Even Ruben Dahle
The film's protagonist has won Amanda (Norwegian Oscar) for best film script, but struggles with both self-confidence and a sequel script. He eventually writes his special one into script to win her favor, but also has to fight to gain recognition and attention in a tough industry.
Not all people have the key to open the door that holds them back, but maybe the thought that someone else thinks of you, get you to believe that it will one day open again. Squirrel is about a ten year old boy who wants to have contact with his father in prison.
SOS: Summer of Suspense
Marit found a sea lion-baby and the got friends, on one day she looked for the sea lion she found a packet of drugs.