Hans tiene tanta seguridad en sí mismo que raya en la prepotencia. Un día, estando en la carretera con su familia, discute con otro conductor. El hombre, resentido por los malos modos de Hans, empieza a seguirlo, dispuesto a llegar a extremos inimaginables para aplicar un correctivo moral al protagonista.
Lea is an immaculate 30-something wife whose husband’s job in real estate allows her an enviably glossy lifestyle. The word ‘emancipation’ simply isn't in her vocabulary and as long as the money rolls in, all is rosy. So, when Harry Jr. arrives, she is a little traumatized at having to swap canapés for nappies.
A retired truck driver is fishing. He catches a tiny fish and throws it back. 'Do you fancy green beans tonight?', his wife asks him from behind her crossword puzzle. When they leave, they see that a group of Poles are catching huge fish, and eating them. The wife is incensed, but her husband is curious about the cheeky group. 'Why do they catch such big fish and he does not?' He puts on his top boots and starts investigating.
Robber #1
Tiuri, un joven de 16 años, arriesga su futuro como caballero cuando recibe un encargo de otro caballero agonizante. Debe entregar una carta al Rey de Unauwen en el más completo de los secretos. Su aventura le llevará a atravesar montañas, bosques y valles, donde el peligro acecha en cada rincón. Bajo ninguna circunstancia esa carta ha de caer en las manos equivocadas.