Pascal Zullino
Nacimiento : 1964-08-26, Matera (Italy)
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
A cinic director and his assistant come back to Basilicata, their homeland, looking for redemption. 50 years aged and aristically loser, they try to shoot a rickety investigative movie titled "Il Vangelo secondo Mattei" in the same location where Pasolini filmed his "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" but focusing on the disasters caused by oil extractions in their wasteland of Basilicata, in the south of Italy. As main character, they choose Franco, 70 years old, that was an extra in Pasolini film...
A cinic director and his assistant come back to Basilicata, their homeland, looking for redemption. 50 years aged and aristically loser, they try to shoot a rickety investigative movie titled "Il Vangelo secondo Mattei" in the same location where Pasolini filmed his "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" but focusing on the disasters caused by oil extractions in their wasteland of Basilicata, in the south of Italy. As main character, they choose Franco, 70 years old, that was an extra in Pasolini film...
on. Destini
Una Roma repleta de políticos, malhechores, figuras de las instituciones, eclesiásticos y mafiosos que, en lugar de verse perjudicados por los escándalos de corrupción, aumentan de manera exponencial: “una gangster movie que refleja el final de una era, de un mundo político y un mundo criminal que se está convirtiendo en otra cosa, aún no sabemos bien en qué, y que, por tanto, se agita dejando a su paso restos de sangre a la espera de una especie de nuevo orden”, lo define el director. Un gran proyecto inmobiliario que inundará de cemento la periferia de la ciudad sirve de trasfondo para relatar la historia de un político y el hijo de un constructor sin escrúpulos.
At 46, Antonio Colucci realizes his dream of becoming a great horror movie director is far from being accomplished and he tries hard to seize what might be his last chance of getting a story of his on the screen.
Davide, a city tour guide, leads his faithful tourists into a bizarre and surreal excursion through Rome and its famous landmarks that have witnessed the reasons for his broken heart.
Dott. Scalia
Cuatro mujeres diferentes pero a las que les une un sentimiento de culpa común: el infanticidio. Las cuatro se encuentran internadas en un hospital judicial psiquiátrico. Tendrán que convivir con sus propios fantasmas y solo se tendrán las unas a las otras para aliviar su sufrimiento en medio de confesiones que sacarán de ellas toda la frustración que sienten y que no saben cómo canalizar. Exploración del alma femenina, a la que se suele atribuir un instinto natural que la inclina a la maternidad. Al mismo tiempo, trata de comprender cuáles son las razones que llevan a algunas mujeres a asesinar a sus hijos.
Collective film for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with 30 directors each helming a segment about one of the 30 articles of the Declaration.