Special Effects Supervisor
Establecido en la sociedad británica, y en vísperas de su boda con su novia Jane, Tarzán tiene una visión de la destrucción del hogar de su infancia. Aunque duda entre quedarse en Inglaterra con Jane o volver a África, Tarzán regresa a la mítica ciudad de Opar, donde se enfrenta a un grupo de mercenarios que quiere saquear el lugar.
Special Effects Coordinator
The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The stage version presents a school uprising similar to the Soweto uprising on June 16, 1976. A narrator introduces several characters among them the school girl activist Sarafina. Things get out of control when a policeman shoots several pupils in a classroom. Nevertheless, the musical ends with a cheerful farewell show of pupils leaving school, which takes most of act two. In the movie version Sarafina feels shame at her mother's (played by Miriam Makeba in the film) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (played by Whoopi Goldberg in the film version) is imprisoned.
Special Effects
Un ser extraño proviene del desierto en busca de víctimas: aquéllos que lo han perdido todo, que se encuentran solos, abandonados, llenos de desamor, aquéllos cuya alma y su vida es lo único que tienen. Así, tras romper con su marido, Wendy recoge a un extranjero en su coche, mientras conducía sin destino. Se empezará a maldecir cuando se inician una sucesión de hechos de lo más extraños a raíz, según cree, de recoger a ese misterioso hombre.
Special Effects
A concluding movie to the Afrikaans television series that ran for two seasons, this movie focuses mainly on Bruce Beyers after he is released from jail (2 years after the second season ended). Many main characters from the TV series did not return for the movie. The movie also features Steve Hofmeyer's song, "Agter Elke Man", which he wrote for the movie.
Special Effects Coordinator
A cop sets up his girlfriend as a target in order to trap a serial killer.