Colin David Reese


El último duelo
Carrouges' Gate Keeper
Ambientada en Francia, en 1386, cuenta el enfrentamiento entre el caballero Jean de Carrouges y el escudero Jacques LeGris , al acusar el primero al segundo de abusar de su esposa, Marguerite de Carrouges. El Rey Carlos VI decide que la mejor forma de solucionar el conflicto es un duelo a muerte. El que venza será el ganador, sin embargo, si lo hace el escudero, la esposa del caballero será quemada como castigo por falsas acusaciones.
Finding Babel
The subversive masterpieces of Russian-Ukrainian writer Isaac Babel challenged the reality of life under rising totalitarianism, and led to his arrest and execution in 1940. In Finding Babel, Andrei Malaev-Babel confronts complex traces of a turbulent history that echo in his grandfather's writing and in the conflicts of today's Ukraine and Russia. Babel's fiction is woven into Andrei's search with ethereal animation that puts the viewer, like Babel's readers, between fantasy and reality.
October 1
Father Dowling
Its September 1960, and with Nigeria on the verge of independence from British colonial rule, a northern Nigerian Police Detective, DAN WAZIRI, is urgently despatched by the Colonial Government to the trading post town of Akote in the Western Region of Nigeria to solve a series of female murders that have struck horror in the hearts and minds of the local community. On getting to Akote, more murders are committed, and with local tension high and volatile, Waziri has a race on his hands to solve the case before even more local women are killed. Set against the backdrop of the national celebratory mood of the impending independence, Waziri is pulled into a game of cat and mouse as he and the killer try to outwit each other...
Mille feuilles
A metaphorical tale in which a failing screen writer faced with writer's and personal blocks embarks on a strange journey which allows him to understand himself and find his inspiration
The Easy Way
Ronnie Biggs
Albert Spaggiari is arrested in Nice and brought to a judge's office for interrogation, but he escapes to South America where he meets a journalist who is investigating the event.
Espías en la sombra
Colonel Maurice Buckmaster
Segunda Guerra Mundial. En mayo de 1944, un comando formado por cinco mujeres de la Resistencia Francesa recibe la orden dellevar a cabo una peligrosa misión: lanzarse en paracaídas sobre la Francia ocupada para proteger el secreto del desembarco de Normandía y eliminar al coronel Heindrich, el jefe del contraespionaje alemán. Louise, viuda de un líder de la Resistencia, es una experta francotiradora. Jeanne es una dura prostituta que no dudará en matar. Gaëlle, una joven experta en explosivos, está deseando entrar en acción. Suzy, una despampanante ex corista, fue amante de Heindrich. Maria es una condesa italiana que trabaja como agente secreta.
Joan the Maid II: The Prisons
Un garde anglais
Continuación de "Juana de Arco I - Las batallas". Después de la derrota francesa en la batalla de Orleáns, Juana de Arco (1412-1431) es arrestada y enviada a prisión. En dos procesos separados, es acusada de herejía y condenada a morir en la hoguera.