It grew during a moist summer night. This strange outgrowth in the middle of Nanni’s face. Maybe the answer lies in the park, with sweet flowers surrounding him? Or unless it's under the skirt of Alouette, which shudders with mystery?
Once the show is over at Bastille Opera's 6th basement, Professor Turrel and his team open their shop. The service offers the opportunity for couples to say goodbye beautifully: recycling sets, performers and musicians. But tonight, we follow Thibaut's story: a man who couldn't say goodbye to his love.
Gaston Lampion is an employee in a big insurance company. Extremely skilled for all sorts of calculations, he is nonetheless restrained by his lack of charisma and difficulty for speaking. The erotic commerce of “the ladies of the night” will give him the chance to push himself further.
Seven cousins meet for a last holiday in their childhood house.
Popolo, el mago, tiene un número de magia estrella: la mujer cortada en dos. Pero un accidente complica su vida en el circo al cortar en dos a su querida ayudante. Para que lo perdone, Popolo le promete llevarla de vacaciones a un lugar paradísiaco. Para ello tendrá que encontrar un nuevo trabajo.