R. E. Dearing

Nacimiento : , Hillingdon, Middlesex, England, UK


Robert Dearing, usually credited as R. E. Dearing (1893 - February 1968, Hillingdon), was an English film editor. Known affectionately as Pop Dearing, he worked on many comedies for Gainsborough Pictures, including many featuring Will Hay, and some of director Carol Reed's early films .


Un ratón en la luna
Production Manager
Grand Fenwick es un país pequeño que tiene graves problemas en sus instalaciones de abastecimiento de agua. La necesidad de renovar todas las tuberías es casi desesperada: no hay agua caliente y el descontento de la población crece a medida que se aproxima el invierno. Así, el gobierno idea un plan: pedir ayuda a EE.UU. para un presunto programa espacial. Una vez que los americanos les envían fondos, los rusos también deciden ayudarlos. En Grand Fenwick ya hay dinero suficiente para solucionar los problemas internos. Ahora el problema consiste en mostrar al mundo algún resultado de su ficticio programa espacial. Es entonces cuando entra en escena un excéntrico científico, que ha inventado un combustible que se fabrica a partir de vino.
Hand in Hand
Production Manager
Seven-year-olds Michael and Rachel are best friends who do everything together and who have vowed to remain friends "forever and ever and can't be parted for never and never". Unfortunately, the society that Michael and Rachel live in is one of religious intolerance. The fact that Michael is Irish Catholic and Rachel is Jewish is a point of conflict for just about everyone in the community.
The Moonraker
Production Manager
Un intrépido noble se dedica a salvar las vidas de muchos partidarios del rey Carlos Estuardo, depuesto por Oliver Cromwell
The Diplomatic Corpse
Production Manager
London police and reporters from a local newspaper go after a gang of foreign criminals.
The Surgeon's Knife
Production Manager
A doctor becomes the victim of extortionists when one of his patients dies under questionable circumstances.
Noche en la ciudad
Producer's Assistant
Harry Fabian trabaja a comisión como gancho de un club, pero es ambicioso y sueña con hacerse independiente. Para conseguirlo no dudará en embaucar al campeón del mundo de lucha greco-romana para que se enfrente a su hijo Kristo, que controla la lucha en Londres.
The Forbidden Street
Production Assistant
Ambientada en la época victoriana, la película cuenta la historia de Adelaide, una joven de buena familia que renuncia a todo para casarse con un artista venido a menos. Cuando su marido muere en un accidente, Adelaide es chantajeada por una despreciable arpía que la acusa de haber matado a su marido.
La Madonna de las siete lunas
Associate Producer
Una mujer vive marcada por un trauma de su infancia, en la que fue salvajemente atacada y violada. Esto la trastornará hasta el punto de llevar una doble vida en la que unas veces es una dama de la alta sociedad y otras una harapienta gitana. La película obtuvo un gran éxito entre el público inglés de la época, aunque su estreno en España fue muy posterior.
Two Thousand Women
During the Second World War, three downed English airmen hide out with women's internment camp in France.
Give Us the Moon
Set just after the end of WWII (but filmed in the middle of it) in a time of general euphoria at having won the war, with full employment and general happiness for all (or nearly all). Peter, the young wastrel son of a hard working hotel owner doesn't like the idea of having to work for a living. He discovers a society of "White Elephants" who are quite willing to be poor as long as they don't have to work. They are protected and guided by Nina (Margaret Lockwood) and her precocious sister Heidi (Jean Simmons).
Fanny by Gaslight
Al regresar a Londres tras acabar el internado, Fanny presencia la muerte de su padre en una pelea, y descubre que su familia ha regentado un burdel durante años. No será el único descubrimiento importante en su vida, mientras se enamora del joven asesor y político Harry Sommerford, debiendo luchar por su amor contra la familia de éste.
Time Flies
The Professor (Felix Aylmer) is showing Susie (Evelyn Dall) around his time machine when it accidently takes off with Tommy (Tommy Handley) and Bill (George Moon) also on board. They are transported to Elizabethan England where they come across Walter Raleigh, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth 1, Captain John Smith and Pocohontas. Will our time travellers return?
Bees in Paradise
Classic comedy starring Arthur Askey. Askey plays a pilot who bales out over Paradise Island, not knowing that he is about to land in a bee-worshipping colony of women and that he is about to become a drone for the queen bee. When he finds out that, as custom demands, he is due to be sacrificed two months after the honeymoon, he soon starts thinking about escape. The women of course have other ideas.
Un marqués se casa con una joven sólo por el título, a la vez que ama a otra. La joven acabará enamorándose de un amigo menos afortunado, pero todo se complica más aún por las insidias de su cruel marido y la pérfida amante.
Miss London Ltd.
Askey stars as a man trying to save his flagging escort agency. A new partner suggests getting some new girls in, just in time for the soldiers' leave. The film also features the English singing favourite of the forties, Anne Shelton.
Millones como nosotros
Cuando Celia Crowson es llamada al servicio militar, espera obtener un puesto de trabajo glamuroso, pero al ser una chica soltera es enviada a una fábrica donde se producen partes de aviones. Ahí encuentra otras chicas de diversa procedencia social y empieza una relación con un joven piloto.
The Young Mr. Pitt
This biopic tells the story of the life of Pitt The Younger, who became Prime Minister of Great Britain at the age of 24.
Back-Room Boy
Jilted by his fiancee, Arthur Pilbeam gets a job as far away from women as possible. Alone in a lighthouse, he soon finds that 12 other people end up living on the tiny island. Thirteen is an unlucky number; and one-by-one they disappear ...
Cottage to Let
Allied spies and Nazi Agents insinuate themselves at a Scottish cottage (converted to a wartime hospital) with interests on an inventor's nearly perfected bomb sight.
Inspector Hornleigh Goes to It
Third and final film in the 'Inspector Hornleigh’ series of comedy-thrillers. Inspector Hornleigh (Gordon Harker), disappointed at not being handed an important spy case, is assigned by Scotland Yard to an army barracks to investigate the mundane thefts of supplies from the stores. This accidentally leads Hornleigh and Sergeant Bingham (Alastair Sim) to a nest of fifth columnists when his dim-witted assistant carelessly talks to a girl in the cafeteria – and that night, news of Hornleigh and Bingham’s arrival is embarrassingly transmitted back to Germany.
Neutral Port
A British merchant ship is torpedoed by a German U-Boat and takes shelter in a neutral port. The Captain then strikes back at the German enemy.
Charley's (Big-Hearted) Aunt
Charley's (Big-Hearted) Aunt is a 1940 British comedy film directed by Walter Forde starring Arthur Askey and Richard Murdoch as Oxford 'scholars'. The film is one of many to be made based on the farce Charley's Aunt. Taking inspiration from a well-known Victorian play, a modern-day prankster poses as a wealthy woman in a ploy to prevent him and his friends from being expelled from college.
Tren nocturno a Múnich
Checoslovaquia, marzo de 1939, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Mientras los invasores alemanes ocupan Praga, el inventor Axel Bomasch logra huir y llegar a Inglaterra; pero aquellos que necesitan poner sus conocimientos al servicio de la maquinaria de guerra nazi, con el propósito de llevar a cabo sus malvados planes de destrucción, no se detendrán ante nada para capturarlo.
Girl in the News
An elderly lady manages to sneak some pills away from her nurse and dies of an overdose. The nurse is tried for murder and acquitted. Some time later the nurse, under a new name and identity, cares for a patient who also dies of an overdose. When her real identity comes out, suspicions arouses.
For Freedom
Made in 1940, this stirringly patriotic film cleverly combined new scenes with genuine newsreel footage. A newsreel journalist is on hand when the Giant German battleship Graf Spee flees into Montevideo Harbour after a punishing encounter with the British warships Exeter and Ajax. As events unfold in a very unexpected way, he is there with his camera to capture the dramatic end to the encounter.
Inspector Hornleigh on Holiday
During a holiday by the British seaside, Hornleigh and Bingham grow bored and turn their hand to investigating a local crime.
A Girl Must Live
A run-away school-girl falls among chorus girls planning to marry into the nobility.
Ask a Policeman
El sargento de policía Samuel Dudfoot y sus dos agentes, Albert Brown y Jeremiah Harbottle simulan una serie de falsos crímenes con la intención de salvar sus empleos; sin embargo, se verán involucrados en la cruda realidad.
Alarma en el expreso
En un país centroeuropeo, el tren Transcontinental Express sufre un gran retraso a causa del mal tiempo. Los pasajeros pernoctan en un pequeño hotel, donde Iris Henderson entabla conversación con una vieja institutriz inglesa, la señora Froy. Poco después de reanudar el viaje, Iris se da cuenta de la desaparición de la anciana, pero los demás pasajeros afirman que su amiga no existe y que ella ha sufrido una alucinación.
Convict 99
Un desgraciado director de escuela, Benjamin Twist, es confundido por un duro gobernante de prisión y es designado a cargo de una prisión de peligrosos criminales. Creyendo que es enviado a una escuela, éste lo celebra llegando a la conclusión de que se ha despertado de su borrachera en el lado equivocado de los barrotes.
Alf's Button Afloat
Alf descubre que uno de los botones de su uniforme está hecho del metal de la lámpara de Aladdin. Cuando lo limpia, aparece un genio.
El amor manda
Inglaterra, años 30. Las vacaciones de verano despiertan el romanticismo y los sueños de una vida mejor.
Doctor Syn
A highly respected clergyman is actually a former pirate who exacts vigilante justice in this British production.
El hombre que trocó su mente
El doctor Laurience, antaño científico respetado, comienza a investigar los orígenes de la mente y el alma. La comunidad científica rechaza sus teorías y le da la espalda, y Laurience lo pierde todo en pos de su obsesivo trabajo; es entonces cuando descubre un peligroso método de transferencia cerebral. Usándolo para salvar su investigación y para beneficio propio, Laurience empieza a transformarse en un "científico loco" imparable...
Things Are Looking Up
Scatterbrain circus lady has to cover for her sour schoolmistress sister.
Friday the Thirteenth
It is pouring with rain at one minute to midnight on Friday the thirteenth, and the driver of a London bus is peering through his blurred windscreen as his vehicle sails down an empty road. Suddenly, lightning strikes, and a vast crane above topples into the path of the oncoming bus... Then Big Ben begins to wind backwards. Time recedes. And we discover the lives of all the passengers and the events that brought them to that late-night bus journey, from the con-man with a hundred-pound cheque to the businessman's distraught and elderly wife. Time flows on, inevitably, to the crash -- and past it, as some live and some die.
Falling for You
In this comedy, two rival reporters vie for the scoop on the whereabouts of a missing heiress. They find her in Switzerland. One of the journalists falls in love with her and saves her from marrying an aristocrat. His rival gets to write the story as a consolation prize.
Hindle Wakes
A Lancashire mill girl has an illicit adventure with the owner's son while on holiday. Based on the once notorious Houghton play.
The Happy Ending
A father who deserted his family some years before returns home only to find that his wife has told his children and neighbours that he died as a hero.
No Lady
A henpecked husband takes his wife and her children to Blackpool, where confusion reigns.