Michael Warga


En el punto de mira
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Dina Donato es una policia de Los Angeles que tiene que trabajar con su padre (Charles Bronson) para resolver el caso de un psicópata que se dedica a asesinar religiosas y luego cortarles un dedo. Las relaciones entre padre e hija están algo enturbiadas debido a que éste nunca le ha aclarado las circunstancias de la muerte del hermano de Dina, también policia.
Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn
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Huckleberry Finn, un niño decidido y aventurero, escapa de su alcohólico y egoísta padre a bordo de una balsa de troncos. En su viaje a lo largo del Mississippi, lo acompaña Jim, un esclavo negro que ha escapado al enterarse de que pensaban venderlo. Juntos afrontan todo tipo de dificultades y así nace entre ellos una gran amistad.
Trouble Bound
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Upon getting out of prison, a man who took the rap for some thief buddies gets together with them again, and tells them he's not interested in doing things with them any more. They stick a dead body in his trunk, unbeknownst to him, and he roars off to find his future. Unfortunately, they forgot to get the key they need off the body, so they're chasing him. Meanwhile, a mafia kingpin's daughter is trying to kill the hitman that killed her father, but her grandmother is trying to make peace with the family that hired the hitman, so she and her thugs are trying to stop the daughter. The guy and the daughter get together and experience mayhem on the run from two directions.
Paris Trout
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Paris Trout is a vile Southern bigot. He owns a store and is a loanshark. He often sues people, and so his lawyer, Harry Seagraves, eventually meets Paris' wife Hannah. A former schoolteacher, she made the mistake of her life when she married Paris, who brutalizes her. Soon Paris goes beyond the overgenerous bounds of what a man in his position can get away with even in the segregated South, leading to a spiral of perverse insanity.
Rock Hudson
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Biography of actor Rock Hudson focuses on his struggle with his homosexuality. Based on the book by his ex-wife, Phyllis Gates, and on the court records from the civil suit brought by his former lover, Marc Christian.
Dark Holiday
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American tourist Gene LePere (Lee Remick), on vacation in Turkey, is hounded by a street vendor into buying a carved head she doesn't want. Then she is cast into prison for smuggling an antique.
De profesión asesino
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Thriller urbano centrado en el enfrentamiento entre un hombre normal y un peligroso asesino al servicio de unos mafiosos que secuestra por error al lánguido protagonista.
Trilogía de Nueva York
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Muestra la vida de Arnold Beckoff (Harvey Fierstein), una drag queen profesional, desde 1971 hasta 1980: su obsesión por encontrar el amor, los problemas sociales a los que se enfrenta por su condición sexual, la aceptación de sí misma, sus relaciones sentimentales con los hombres y su lucha personal para que su madre (Anne Bancroft) la acepte tal y como es.