Erminio Spalla


Taur the Mighty
Re di Shrupuk
The warlike men of Kixos murder the king of Surupak and abduct his two daughters, Jia and Tuja. Jia's bridegroom Syros asks the mighty warrior Taurus for assistance. Taurus faithful companion Ubaratuta will give Taurus a hand to defeat the warlike tribe.
La ira de Aquiles
Durante el décimo año de la guerra de Troya, la tensión entre Aquiles y Agamenón aumenta, dividiendo al campamento griego y aumentando la esperanza de los griegos.
La batalla de Siracusa
Taverniere (uncredited)
Guerras Púnicas. En plena guerra entre Roma y Cartago por el dominio del Mediterráneo, Arquímedes (Rossano Brazzi) se enamora de una bailarina romana que se casará con el cónsul Marcelo, conquistador de Siracusa.
La Espada del Sarraceno
Bianca, la hermosa hija del gobernador militar de Rodas, viaja en el San Luca de la República de Venecia a su casa en Rodas, y sin su conocimiento, la nave también trae órdenes secretas de su padre para atacar a los puertos del Mediterráneo dominadas por el sultán Selim. Dragut, el terrible pirata del Mediterráneo, los ataques y la conquista de Luca Sol.
Un uomo facile
The changing fortunes of two boxers are explored in this interesting drama by Paolo Heusch, seen from the point of view of the women the boxers love. One of the pugilists is a rookie on the rise and his sister has married the reigning champion. Now the champ is getting older and less able to hold his own against the newcomers -- including his brother-in-law. As his fortunes begin to decline, his wife whom he married while affluent is slowly forced to deal with the difficulties of poverty. This Italian drama was an entry in the 1959 Berlin Film Festival.
Angel in a Taxi
Un saltimbanco
Marietto is a very lively and creative orphaned child, housed in a boarding school of nuns. One day, while browsing a newspaper, he sees a photo of a beautiful opera house dancer, Camilla, and is convinced that she is her mother.
Il conte di Matera
il compagno forzuto di Golia
Rambaldo Tramontana, a count who went into battle backed by the French, returns to Matera to take revenge once he is victorious, but the city is deserted and he begins to commit abuses and violence.
Solo Dio mi fermerà
El ángel y la fiera
Un pobre pianista mantiene relaciones con una muchacha de la alta sociedad.
Pobres, pero guapos
amico del padre di Giovanna
Rómolo y Salvatore son dos jóvenes que viven en Roma. Amigos íntimos, ambos son vanidosos y mujeriegos. Sin embargo, su amistad se pone a prueba cuando aparece en el barrio la bella Giovanna.
Io piaccio
Roberto Maldi, a young scientist, is trying to find a serum capable of giving courage but he unwittingly invents a serum which transforms any man in a womanizer. His boss scents a good business and wants to produce the serum on industrial basis, but Roberto does not agree.
The Red Cloak
Cosimo de' Bardi is assassinated by a gentleman called the Flemish. Time passes and at some point a masked knight wearing a red cloak enters the scene. He is the son of the killed. These and the Flemish are also rivals in love. In the final duel the Flemish will be eliminated.
Luz Apagada
Uma Pulga na Balança
Swindler in jail devises a scheme to blackmail the family of recently deceased people, threatening to tell supposedly incriminating facts about their dead relatives' lives.
Milagro en Milán
Érase una vez una anciana que descubre un bebé en su campo de coles; como se compadece de él, lo adopta. Cuando la anciana muere, el niño, Totò, entra en un orfanato. Años más tarde, deja el orfanato como un hombre joven y feliz, y busca trabajo en el Milán de la posguerra. Termina ayudando a personas sin hogar y los organiza para construir un barrio de chabolas en un terreno baldío. Los ocupantes descubren petróleo en el terreno, y Totò tiene una visión de la anciana, que le da una paloma mágica que le concederá cualquier cosa que desee.
Benjamino Barda
The real-life deportation of gangster Lucky Luciano was the inspiration for this romanticized and slightly crackbrained crime drama. Jeff Chandler plays the Luciano counterpart, who once he arrives in Italy renews his criminal activities.
Fumeria d’oppio
A young woman is murdered and robbed in broad daylight. A young man is arrested, in possession of some of the jewels of the victim. The passionate protests of his sister arouse the compassion of Za la Mort, who promises to help the girl.
The Adventures of Pinocchio
Feuerfresser / Mangiafuoco
This is an Italian live action film with Alessandro Tomei as Pinocchio.
Sangue a Ca' Foscari
Il Tiranno di Padova
Un evaso
Every Day Is Sunday
During the war, a girl falls in love with a soldier. Having no news from her, she has meanwhile accepted the overtures of an older colleague.
Senza famiglia
Remigio, a young foundling, lives on the farm run by his impoverished foster parents and then is sold to an old musician.
The Rape of the Sabine
Ernesto es el maestro del pueblo, casado con una esposa dominante. Su pasión es el teatro y ha escrito un drama en verso titulado "El rapto de las Sabinas". Por desgracia solo tiene una admiradora, la criada Rosina. Cuando la compañía teatral del profesor Tromboni llega al pueblo, Ernesto decide dejarles representar su obra, pero de forma anónima. Cuando llega el día el teatro está tristemente vacío. Pero cuando se comienza a saber que el autor es el maestro...
Franckie Battaglia, the coach
This propaganda film was partly inspired by the story of the first Italian heavyweight champion Primo Carnera who, after winning the title with Al Capone’s help in 1933, was beaten the following year by the Jewish Max Bear and then again by the ‘Brown Bomber’ Detroit Joe Lewis in June 1935, on the eve of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. This match provoked numerous racial skirmishes on the streets of Harlem between the Black community and pro-Fascist Italian-Americans. The film overturns historical facts and here, obviously, it is the white boxer who wins in order to demonstrate the superiority of the “Aryan Italians” over the “sinister Jewish entrepreneurs” and the “savage Afro-American fans in Yankee Stadium”. In the film, these were played by South African prisoners-of-war interred in a work camp, which the German and Italian propaganda ministries had set up near Cinecittà “for cinematic purposes”.
The Italian troops at Giarabub defend themselves against the British.
Il bravo di Venezia
La compagnia della teppa
Il socio invisibile
Il colonnello gradasso
I, His Father
Romolo Tonelli
An ex-boxer has trained his own son and leads him on to win the middle-weight championship of Italy. But the boy falls easy prey to a woman of light morals and renounces the hard work of sport to follow her to a winter luxury resort and at a certain moment, offers to marry her but she, not wanting to give up an advantageous connection, turns him down, advising the youth to not change the nature of their relationship. Then, the boy feeling the entire baseness of his situation, returns home to his parents who welcome him back with joy and takes up again a commitment to sport.
Arriviamo noi!
Gestore del "Castello delle streghe"