Josh Reed


We're Not Here to Fuck Spiders
In early 2018, an email was sent to a select group of journalists and politicians in Australia, containing a link to thousands of hours of secretly filmed footage documenting day to day life in an ice dealer's house in South Sydney. The footage was refined down to this story of the ice dealer, Anton Berger, his girlfriend Effs, whom he keeps imprisoned in the house, his crew, Pincer, Bezza and Ahmed, and the bikers and corrupt cops he deals with.
We're Not Here to Fuck Spiders
In early 2018, an email was sent to a select group of journalists and politicians in Australia, containing a link to thousands of hours of secretly filmed footage documenting day to day life in an ice dealer's house in South Sydney. The footage was refined down to this story of the ice dealer, Anton Berger, his girlfriend Effs, whom he keeps imprisoned in the house, his crew, Pincer, Bezza and Ahmed, and the bikers and corrupt cops he deals with.
We're Not Here to Fuck Spiders
In early 2018, an email was sent to a select group of journalists and politicians in Australia, containing a link to thousands of hours of secretly filmed footage documenting day to day life in an ice dealer's house in South Sydney. The footage was refined down to this story of the ice dealer, Anton Berger, his girlfriend Effs, whom he keeps imprisoned in the house, his crew, Pincer, Bezza and Ahmed, and the bikers and corrupt cops he deals with.
Anja y sus cuatro compañeros se van de acampada, pero las cosas se tuercen cuando unos bichos infectan a una de las chicas. La mutación no tarda en llegar: la joven se convierte en salvaje, en un ser primitivo, un depredador con deseos de devorar a sus amigos. Anja y sus colegas deberían conocer la lección de The Descent: no te adentrarás en una gruta oscura. Por suerte, el director Josh Reed sí la conoce y ofrece un filme de terror sangriento y adrenalínico.