Este documental visibiliza, a través de las memorias de sobrevivientes y familiares de las víctimas, uno de los más cruentos y atroces episodios de la intolerancia y de la deshumanización del conflicto en Colombia: el exterminio sistemático y planificado de la organización política legal Unión Patriótica.
Broadcast by Channel 4 Television as part of the "Dispatches" series this documentary includes interviews with members of the Sendero Luminoso, gives the history of the group and how it has developed as a parallel government to that in Lima, and shows footage of the attempts on the part of the army to suppress the movement through terror
Broadcast by Channel 4 Television as part of the "Dispatches" series this documentary includes interviews with members of the Sendero Luminoso, gives the history of the group and how it has developed as a parallel government to that in Lima, and shows footage of the attempts on the part of the army to suppress the movement through terror