Willy Perelsztejn


Ashcan: The Secret Prison
The Paper Brigade
Executive Producer
Lithuania, 1941, during World War II. Hundreds of thousands of texts on Jewish culture, stolen by the Germans, are gathered in Vilnius to be classified, either to be stored or to be destroyed. A group of Jewish scholars and writers, commissioned by the invaders to carry out the sorting operations, but reluctant to collaborate and determined to save their legacy, hide many books in the ghetto where they are confined. This is the epic story of the Paper Brigade.
The Paper Brigade
Lithuania, 1941, during World War II. Hundreds of thousands of texts on Jewish culture, stolen by the Germans, are gathered in Vilnius to be classified, either to be stored or to be destroyed. A group of Jewish scholars and writers, commissioned by the invaders to carry out the sorting operations, but reluctant to collaborate and determined to save their legacy, hide many books in the ghetto where they are confined. This is the epic story of the Paper Brigade.
La guerra del te
Robert Fortune (voice - english)
En el siglo XIX, China mantuvo el monopolio del té, que era muy querido y de moda en Occidente, y el Imperio Británico intercambió amapolas, producidas en sus colonias indias y transformadas en opio, por té chino. Inundada por las drogas, China se vio obligada a abrir su mercado, y los británicos consolidaron su dominio comercial. En 1839, el Imperio Medio introdujo la prohibición. Se declaró la guerra del opio ... Gran Bretaña surgió como el ganador, pero se hizo caso a la advertencia: ya no podía depender del té chino. La única alternativa posible era producir su propio té. La East India Company, por lo tanto, le confió a un hombre la búsqueda de los secretos de la bebida preciosa. Su misión era desarrollar las primeras plantaciones en las colonias indias de Gran Bretaña.
Waterloo- La última batalla
Es la emocionante historia de una de las batallas más famosas de la historia. Hora por hora y, minuto a minuto , Waterloo , describe giros y vueltas de la batalla . Sobre la base de los testimonios escritos de combatientes reales , Waterloo describe , sin idealizar , la experiencia de la batalla, las esperanzas, los miedos , sufrimiento y muerte.
La photo déchirée, chronique d'une émigration clandestine
At the beginning of the 60's, thousands of Portuguese turned up in France through the underground. They were fleeing misery, war and repression. Left to unscrupulous smugglers, they had to cross the Iberian Peninsula tracked by the Portuguese and Spanish police. For many, the voyage towards France turned into a disaster. As a child in a shantytown, the author remembers having heard about these terrible odysseys. Thirty years later, he goes in search of the stories of his childhood and seeks to understand what sparked this unprecedented emigration known as the "plebiscite by foot" against Salazar. Between childhood memories and historical investigation, he looks for the images of this exodus, the largest in post-war Europe.