Minor Role (uncredited)
Stephen Ghent, a mineowner, falls in love with Ruth Jordan, an arrogant girl from the East, unaware that she is the daughter of his dead partner. Ruth is vacationing in Arizona and Mexico with a fast set of friends, including her fiancé, Edgar. Manuella, a Spanish halfbreed hopelessly in love with Ghent, causes Ruth to return to her fiancé when she insinuates that Ghent belongs to her. Ghent follows Ruth, kidnaps her, and takes her into the wilderness to endure hardship. There she discovers that she loves Ghent, and she discards Edgar in favor of him.
Primer film sonoro. La Warner Bros. Pictures, que por entonces pasaba problemas financieros, fue el primer estudio en sacar un filme sonoro, que alternaba la voz y canciones de Al Jolson con subtítulos. Por supuesto, e independientemente de la calidad artística del filme, se convirtió en un gran éxito de taquilla.