Mark Berry

Mark Berry


Mark Berry is an actor.


Mark Berry


All Cock and No Bull!
Relaxing in your backyard is one thing. Relaxing naked in your backyard with an old friend is something else entirely and may have consequences.
House by the Lake
The Morgans, a loving yet troubled family, go on vacation with intentions to reconnect with one another. However, when their autistic 10-year-old daughter begins to fixate on a mysterious friend who may or may not be real, and retreats further into her own world, family tensions start to rise to the surface.
The Young & Evil
A sexually defiant teen sets out to seduce an HIV prevention advocate into giving him the virus.
Rasheed Jackson
An aspiring teacher (Hughley) takes the one job he's offered, a position at a school inside a prison.
Blade Trinity
Chief Martin Vreede
Durante años, Blade ha luchado contra los vampiros sin que el mundo supiera lo que sucedía en los bajos fondos. Pero ahora, tras caer en las redes del FBI, se ve forzado a salir a la luz del día para unir sus fuerzas con un clan de humanos cazadores de vampiros que nunca supo que existían, los Nightstalkers. Junto a Abigail y Hannibal, Blade sigue la pista de una Antigua criatura que lo está acechando el vampiro original: Drácula.
Sabotaged marriage proposal
Detective Baines
College dropout Will Sherman works as a pizza delivery boy. One night he delivers a pizza at the house where the guy who ordered pizza was just killed. The murderer, Reed, soon realizes that Will is a witness and begins to follow him.