In this spoof of TV cop shows, which served as the pilot to the subsequent short-lived series, a bunch of bumbling misfits and rejects from the police academy, all assembled under a straitlaced but dimwitted captain, fumble their way to success cracking a drug ring run by a blind mobster.
Sheriff Stella Stevens uses her wiles and the help of her three resourceful daughters -- one by each of her previous husbands -- to rope in a notorious desperado and a band of foreign revolutionaries in this light-hearted Western.
Dennis Weaver is a Joseph Wambaugh-type novelist cop and Pat Hingle is his hard-nosed superior who wants him to stick to police work or get off the force in this pilot to the short-lived series.
"The Mark of Zorro" was updated for this pilot for a prospective series that tells of a New Orleans gentleman who turns masked rider to fight for law and order and avenge his family's killing by four men who wanted their silver mine.
American soldiers (Tom Selleck and James Whitmore Jr.) must travel behind enemy lines to procure the formula for a deadly Nazi toxin in this World War II adventure.
Cuando el profesor Lionel Carpenter tiene, por fin, su primera experiencia sexual, algo extraño e inesperado ocurre: se queda embarazado. Ahora todo el mundo quiere sacar provecho de la situación, incluso el mismísimo presidente.
A young private detective takes on his first case, a young woman with amnesia who doesn't know why a gunman is trying to kill her but believes she might be involved in a murder.
A professional gambler finds himself on the run from the mob, the federal government, and a band of Indians, all of whom have an interest in a piece of land he won in a poker game.
A swarm of locusts appears on the horizon near a Midwestern town and the inhabitants must find a way to destroy or divert them before the insects devour the area's valuable crops