Jelena Miholjević

Jelena Miholjević


Jelena Miholjević


Batalla de Los Zombis
Croacia, siete años después de la quiebra. Hay una lucha en el mundo: el agua se ha vuelto más preciosa que el petróleo. Para apoderarse de él, los poderosos están listos para iniciar guerras, conquistar, destruir e incluso plantar un virus zombi. Mico, un bon viveur de Zagreb, cuya rutina diaria incluye salones de masajes, restaurantes y cines, donde ve una serie de películas con su actriz favorita Franka Anic, es tomado completamente desprevenido por las epidemias de zombis. Sin embargo, se embarca audazmente en una Odisea acompañado de su heroína cinematográfica, con un objetivo muy inalcanzable: sobrevivir.
A group of trainee therapists come together for their regular group psychotherapy session, but when their normal routine is disrupted, events take an unexpected direction: as their professional masks start to slip, long repressed personal tensions soon bubble to the surface.
Pusca Bistra
After a series of unfortunate events, TV subscription collector Pero falls into a deep emotional crisis from which he cannot escape. His only goal is - spiritual peace and, if possible - revenge. People he holds responsible are randomly chosen citizens of the Pusca Bistra village. After he accidently finds out certain facts, Pero finds irrefutable evidence about unhonorable acts of Pusca's citizens and accidently blackmails the entire village.
God Forbid a Worse Thing Should Happen
The adventures of a small town Croatian family during the 1960s. The decade will leave eternal marks on all of their members, but most of the story focuses on the youngest one, a boy, Frula, who discovers the love and fashion of the time.
Slow Surrender
Petar Gorjan is a 40-year-old successful propagandist and cynical strategist of consumerist society that is faced with family and identity crisis. He embarks on a journey from Zagreb to Dubrovnik, transporting humanitarian aid in his off-road vehicle, and on his way he will be accompanied by slightly mentally troubled Lukas and a vagabond girl.
Minimalist, bizarre and surreal story that takes place in some sort of post-cataclysmic future, where the main hero collects tracks which were the only connection of his with the environment known today.
Territorio comanche
Chica histérica
Guerra de Bosnia, principios de los noventa. Cuando estalla la contienda, son muchos los corresponsales de guerra que acuden al lugar del conflicto. Pero también estalla la lucha entre los medios de comunicación, que no dudan en explotar el dolor ajeno con tal de subir la audiencia. Laura, una joven periodista de éxito, se instala en Sarajevo durante el asedio al que se vio sometida la ciudad. Allí conoce a Mikel, un experto reportero de firmes principios, y a José, su cámara. El contacto con las víctimas, los encuentros con periodistas de otros países, las disputas con Mikel y José, que desaprueban el enfoque oportunista que ella da a la información, llevan a Laura a reflexionar seriamente sobre su trabajo. Mientras tanto, con colegas de todas las nacionalidades y con la intérprete croata Jadranka, Laura recorre cada día la zona más peligrosa de Sarajevo: lo que ellos llaman "territorio comanche".
Pont Neuf
A young Croatian painter Josip Račić in the solitude of a Parisian attic encounters unusual people and falls in love with a cabaret singer. The ambience of the cheap Parisian hotel mixes in the painter's mind with memories of his childhood and youth in the Slavonian plain, all these things finding their expression in his paintings that start to attract the attention of experts...
Russian Meat
Determined to find her sister's killers, Ida Palamar decides to become a prostitute in an elite Zagreb brothel where the murder probably took place. The brothel is run by Vuk, violent and drug-crazed arms smuggler, protected by the police. Ida's only ally in her quest is a young bouncer.
A Rifle for Sleeping
Janko, a police officer/veteran of the war, who is suffering from insomnia caused by post-traumatic stress disorder, now works as a guard in front of the Russian embassy in Zagreb. Having abandoned his former paramour, the daughter of his police chief, he marries a kleptomaniacal hairdresser named Nana, whom he once caught in the act of picking pockets. He then embarks on an affair with the beautiful Marta, the widow of the war profiteer Dragutin Karlo Stajner, who has left behind him a bankrupted firm, a worthless limousine, several bastards, and at least one angry woman. While Janko and Marta persistently try to divvy up what loot remains before any number of others can claim it, Karlo unexpectedly turns up alive and jumps into the middle of a fray between Marta; Karlo's lover, Julija, a Czech bar-singer; and Julija's husband Vlado, a former henchman of Karlo's who is now trying to lay claim to Stajner's limo.
In the Midst of My Days
A famous actress dying from cancer sets off to the mountains where she witnesses human misery, yet being fascinated by patients' faith in healing via intercessory from Mother of God.