“Acht Geschwister” by Christoph Weinert is a tribute to sibling life, a piece of non-fictional narrative cinema. The film tells the story of two sisters and six brothers who were born between 1933 and 1943 and grew up on a farm in a small village in Pomerania. With their intertwined, very different lives, the film tells not only the story of the eight siblings and their common escape with their parents after the end of World War 2, but also a piece of recent German history, when the siblings are separated by the inner-German border for over 40 years during the Cold War. Nevertheless, the contact between them never breaks.
Docudrama telling the story of a building with a breath taking career that began in the empire, flourished in the Weimar Republic, perished in the Nazi dictatorship, and was rebuilt after its partial destruction.
Docudrama telling the story of a building with a breath taking career that began in the empire, flourished in the Weimar Republic, perished in the Nazi dictatorship, and was rebuilt after its partial destruction.
En el siglo XVIII, la amenaza bárbara se agravó. En julio de 1785, dos barcos estadounidenses fueron devueltos a Argel; En el invierno de 1793, once barcos americanos con tripulaciones encadenadas estaban en manos del Dey de Argel. Para asegurar la libertad de movimiento de su flota mercante, Estados Unidos se vio obligado a firmar tratados con los principales estados bárbaros ya pagar sumas considerables en garantías de no ataques. Con Marruecos, tratado de 1786, 30.000 dólares; Trípoli, 4 de noviembre de 1796, $56.000; Túnez, agosto de 1797, $107.000. Pero el más costoso y humillante fue el Dey de Argel del 5 de septiembre de 1795, un "tratado de paz y amistad" que costó casi un millón de dólares (incluido un rescate de 525.000 dólares por los esclavos estadounidenses liberados) e implicó la obligación de pagar 20.000 dólares por la llegada de cada nuevo cónsul y 17.000 dólares en obsequios anuales a altos funcionarios argelinos...