Valérie Kling

Valérie Kling


Valérie Kling


Colin (voice)
Marquis, un conocido y obstinado bribón, encarcelado en la Bastilla por blasfemia de poca monta, no tiene más compañía que la de Collin, su órgano sexual, al que habla como un igual. La imaginación creativa de Marquis encuentra salida en sus escritos, lo que le permite soportar su cautiverio sin sufrir demasiado; pero Collin, siendo más realista, preferiría seguir el ejemplo de sus vecinos.
Two Lions in the Sun
Paul and Rene, two men in their forties weary with life. One a widower, the other is divorced and pays alimony to his ex-wife. They live together, go on vacations together. This last vacation has been a washout and so is their return.
The Daughter of the Railroad Crossing Guard
Gertrude, la femme du maire
Based on the idea by Roland Topor (screenwriter of Roman Polanski's The Tenant), this very curious completely silent melodrama tells the story of Mona, who has left her father, the railway gatekeeper, after being raped on the train track. She is kidnapped and taken to a Parisian whorehouse. However, a disinherited prince, Dudu who tries to rescue her, is himself kidnapped and forced to serve as a male prostitute. The two captives meet there and fall in love. They are taken away by different rich people - he to an Arab "harem," she to a surgeon's home.