Justine is a young woman with a fierce intelligence but an equally strong appetite for self-destruction. She finds herself suffocated within a world that makes little sense and where alcohol is the only escape from her view of a hopeless future. When she meets Rachel, the possibility of happiness, love and a future starts to emerge. But her pain goes deep and as the demons within her begin to surface, she wonders if she can allow herself to hope.
Minnie's Dad
After her father’s suicide, a young mother investigates what led to his death. But when she is haunted by spirits and unearths an unsolved mystery from 30 years ago, she discovers a dark family history that could prove deadly for her child.
Executive Producer
After her father’s suicide, a young mother investigates what led to his death. But when she is haunted by spirits and unearths an unsolved mystery from 30 years ago, she discovers a dark family history that could prove deadly for her child.
Police Officer
Louise (Sophia Myles) is an alienated boarding school student in the midst of a hot and heavy affair with the husband of her headmistress, Veronica (Sophie Ward). Suspicion and passion hang in the air of the isolated campus until Matthew (George Asprey) suddenly disappears. Fearing the worst, Louise struggles to uncover what happened to her lover, but is foiled at every turn by Veronica, who begins to take a sadistic glee in the psychological torment she inflicts upon her. When a mysterious woman appears around the campus, Louise becomes convinced that she is being framed for the murder of Matthew, or even worse, being set up to be the next victim. Alone and friendless, Louise must keep herself alive long enough to uncover the truth of Mathew"s disappearance.
Cast - The Last of The Famous International Playboys
Hulmerist is a VHS and DVD release that includes seven promotional films by Morrissey, released initially on VHS, in 1990, and then on DVD in 2004. It was certified Gold by the RIAA on 18 January 1991. The title refers to Morrissey's childhood home in Hulme, Manchester. The L is silent, so it sounds like "humourist". The promotional films are 'The Last of the Famous International Playboys', 'Sister I'm a Poet', 'Everyday is Like Sunday', 'Interesting Drug', 'Suedehead', 'Ouija Board, Ouija Board' and 'November Spawned a Monster'.
Matthew es un niño que acaba de dejar la escuela. Es guapo y atlético y se cree gay. Mantiene una amistad con un solo amigo de la escuela, Phil, que se ha mantenido con Matthew a pesar de las reacciones hostiles de sus compañeros. A medida que su relación se vuelve más intensa, la novia de Phil, Sharon, y sus compañeros de clase se vuelven vengativos y agresivos. Los dos amigos se encuentran condenados al ostracismo tanto por amigos como por familiares y deciden huir.