Stefan Zweig
Nacimiento : 1881-11-28, Wien, Austria
Muerte : 1942-02-22
Stefan Zweig /ʃ'tɛfan tsvaɪk/ (Viena, Austria; 28 de noviembre de 1881 – Petrópolis, Brasil; 22 de febrero de 1942) fue un escritor, biógrafo y activista social austríaco judío de la primera mitad del siglo XX, sin parentesco con el escritor Arnold Zweig ni tampoco con la escritora alemana Stefanie Zweig (nacida en 1932).
Sus obras estuvieron entre las primeras que protestaron contra la intervención de Alemania en la segunda guerra mundial y fue muy popular entre 1920 y 1930. Escribió novelas, relatos y biografías. De estas últimas, son particularmente conocidas las de María Estuardo y la de Fouché, una obra mitad biografía y mitad novela histórica muy interesante sobre un personaje que nadie ha podido definir mejor ni antes ni después. Otra de sus biografías, la dedicada a María Antonieta, fue adaptada al cine en Hollywood. Tras su suicidio en 1942, su obra fue perdiendo fama progresivamente.
Viena, 1938. Los nazis acaban de anexionarse Austria y el notario Josef Bartok sabe que está en grave peligro. Mientras se prepara para huir, es detenido por la Gestapo y encerrado en un hotel reconvertido en prisión. Solo saldrá de allí si colabora con los nazis. Bartok no está dispuesto a ceder. Pero aislado, la soledad empieza a hacer mella en él hasta que consigue robar un libro de ajedrez, que será su punto de apoyo para mantenerse cuerdo y convertir la resistencia en un juego.
The 1920s, Germany, times of hyperinflation. A young antique dealer realizes that his father’s shop is on the verge of going bankrupt. While going through the journal records, he finds notes about an old client, who owns a priceless collection. He decides to go to the province, hoping to buy it for dirt-cheap.
Paris, 1942. In the middle of the Occupation, Victor Gence, an unscrupulous merchant, buys, at vastly low prices, artworks belonging to Jewish collectors. Informed by a concierge, he manages to enter the apartment of Mr. Klein who apparently has a fabulous collection.
Original Story
El Sr. Gustave H., un legendario conserje de un famoso hotel europeo de entreguerras, entabla amistad con Zero Moustafa, un joven empleado al que convierte en su protegido. La historia trata sobre el robo y la recuperación de una pintura renacentista de valor incalculable y sobre la batalla que enfrenta a los miembros de una familia por una inmensa fortuna. Como telón de fondo, los levantamientos que transformaron Europa durante la primera mitad del siglo XX.
The young Beto ventures to the Brazilian countryside in search of a collection of rare drawings. There he meets Samir, the collector, and his family ruined by the demise of the cocoa plantations. The journey and the encounter will irrevocably change the young man’s soul.
Alemania, 1912, poco antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Un joven licenciado de origen humilde se convierte en secretario y persona de confianza de un rico empresario del acero. El joven visita con frecuencia la casa de su jefe y allí conoce a su esposa, una mujer bella y reservada mucho más joven que su marido. Entre ellos surgirá una relación pasional tan secreta como platónica, pues él no se atreve a revelar sus sentimientos por temor a perder su trabajo.
Cuenta la relación entre María Estuardo y su prima Isabel I, reina de Inglaterra, con quien rivalizó tanto a nivel personal como en cuestiones políticas.
Una historia sobre el arte y los hombres cultos, y sobre como su arte a arte y su cultura se revelan inútiles ante las duras realidades de la vida del siglo XX.
Un fantasmagórico tren, el Oviedo Express, llega en la noche a la ciudad. En él, viajan los actores que representarán la adaptación teatral de 'La Regenta', clásico emblemático y crítico de la vida en el Oviedo de 1885. Pero, en tiempos actuales, la irrupción de los cómicos irá más allá de las tablas del escenario alterando el devenir cotidiano. La joven mujer del alcalde caerá en brazos del actor principal, o de su personaje, y las pasiones y delirios, más o menos encubiertos hasta entonces, aflorarán con todas sus consecuencias. Un actor deprimido, una actriz furiosa, un director petulante, una periodista local, una madre pizpireta y un ángel que merodea por la ciudad, desencadenan divertidos y dramáticos acontecimientos hasta la brusca e inesperada caída de telón.
Pekín, 1948. Una cruda noche de invierno, un hombre vuelve a casa atravesando una ciudad destrozada por la guerra. Allí le espera una carta escrita por una mujer antes de morir. En ella le habla de la historia de su amor por él, una pasión que ha durado toda una vida y que no ha disminuido con el tiempo, pero de la que él nunca ha sabido nada.
Set in 1913, 1936 and 2001. When he returns to the casino and seaside resort of his early teens, Louis, a 78 year old man encounters Olivia, a 19 year old young woman madly in love with a violent cad. Louis tells the story of his own mother having a passionate, driven fling with his Italian tennis instructor in 1936, and of Marie Collins Brown, the slightly older widowed woman who helped him through his confusion and pain by recounting the story of her passionate 24 hour fling with a hopeless young Polish gambler in 1913.
Vienna, in the 1930s. The attractive and famous writer Albert Rank receives the letter from a stranger. He discovers that she devoted her entire life to her boundless love. In her letter, Rose looks back on a variety of meetings with Albert: Since childhood, she is slavishly in love with him and she never got away from her throughout her life. In many encounters Rank could not recognize them, even if the shared moments had been wonderful. As an adult woman, Rose's love is too painful to go on, and she has dire consequences.
Vienna before the First World War: Clarissa Schuhmeister grows up in the monastery. Strict discipline determines her life until she meets the Frenchman Léonard and falls in love with him. Just when she expects a child from him, the First World War tears the happy couple apart. Out of pragmatism, Clarissa marries Gottfried, a deserter, with whom she makes a painful yet realistic agreement so that he will not be sent back to war. But she never feels love for him because she can not forget Léonard.
The story of Marquise De Prie, the wife of Marquis De Savoy and the mistress of King Louis XV.
Edgar M. and his mother come abroad a small ship to Eden Sanatorium spa. It is here that the wife, wronged by her husband, will seek a cure for her bad headache, while the 13-year-old Edgar M. is fighting his first male impulses as well as 'enoresis nocturna', the prettier word for wetting one's bed. The boy's amazed gaze hungrily devours the diverse hotel guests, their love joys and sorrows, while passion lustfully penetrates the walls, carried by the voice of the enchanting opera singer.
Whenever people are released from their society's constraints, there is the possibility that they will behave badly, at least according to the rules of the society they have left behind. This seems to have been particularly the case for Europeans living in colonial establishments in Africa and Asia. In this drama, based on a story by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Steiner (Andrzej Seweryn) was caught with his fingers in the till at a German hospital. Rather than prosecute him, they gave him the option of emigrating elsewhere. He chose to serve at a clinic in a remote part of Portuguese Goa. He has been on his best behavior for years, but when the beautiful wife (Fanny Ardant) of a diplomat comes to him asking for an abortion, he is tempted to ask for sexual favors in return, and his life swiftly goes out of control.
While recuperating in a sanatorium in the mountains, a young boy becomes very close friends with an older baron. But the baron is only using the boy to get to know his mother, the wife of an older diplomat. When the boy realises the baron’s intentions, he becomes jealous, moody and depressed.
It is the story of a middle age professor who falls deaply in love with a young student in his English literature class. The student is a boarder in the teacher's house. The teacher is married and his wife knows he is mostly attracted to young men. She loves him nevertheless. The whole story revolves around a book the professor will write, dictating to his young pupil... he will only declare his love at the end of the writing ...and, it is too late.
Set in a garrison town in Austria before 1914, is the story of the unfortunate love between simple lieutenant Anton Hofmiller and Edith, the paralyzed daughter of the count, who is the richest man in the region.
Mona loves her Husband Ahmed and Kid Khaled, but Husband is always away on business trips around the world, which leaves the wife and kid in constant waiting status.on a vacation to tunis,an affair start taking form,and that made her torn between her family and longing for love feelings.
La historia cuenta veinticuatro horas de una pasión, la que siente Alicia por un joven vividor y jugador empedernido. Cansada de su vida anodina, Alicia decide dejarlo todo y seguir a su corazón.
Byzance uses a text by Stefan Zweig to describe the Ottoman conquest of the city in 1453. Before he turned to feature filmmaking in 1968 with Naked Childhood, Pialat worked on a series of short films, many of them financed by French television. Byzance is one of Pialat’s six Turkish shorts.
Helen Lester is in love with a man she has known just 24 hours, a playboy who spent time in jail for passing bad checks. Though the man has promised to change, most of her strait-laced relatives are up in arms. But Clare Lester, Helen's grandmother, says the girl is free to join the man she loves. On one condition, that she listen to the story of a day in Clare's own life and of a man she tried to change.
En 1938, en la Austria recién ocupada por los nazis, Werner von Basilio, un prestigioso intelectual vienés es detenido y acusado de contrabando cuando intentaba sacar obras de arte del país. A continuación la Gestapo lo recluye en una habitación de hotel, donde no tiene distracciones de ningún tipo... Una famosa película sobre el juego de ajedrez basada en la novela corta de Stefan Zweig "Novela de Ajedrez" (The Royal Game and Other Stories).
Un Joven oficial del ejército se involucra con dos hermanas; una de ellas es inválida crónico y su familia la ha protegido y protegido de todos los posibles daños con un cuidado tan sofocante que es una bolsa de berrinches malcriados y petulantes. Ella se enamora del teniente lujurioso, y todos los involucrados se vuelven completamente locos y toman un número infinito de malas decisiones ...
Man and woman have a couple of one-night-stands spread out over 15 or 20 years.
Una mujer casada que tiene un amante recibe amenazas de una joven que le pide que confiese su infidelidad a su marido. Lo que ella no sabe es que el chantaje es un ardid de su esposo.
A compulsive gambler stumbles towards losing everything when Merle Oberon decides to save him from himself.
The captain Alekos Nikolopoulos doesn't get along with his wife. One day, he receives a letter from a woman he had met before the war who reminds him that she is pregnant.
Un célebre pianista en el ocaso de su carrera, recibe un día una carta de una joven desconocida, Lisa Berndle, que le revela el amor que ha sentido por él en secreto desde la infancia. En ella le recuerda los pocos encuentros que han tenido y le comunica que, de ellos, nació un hijo, que murió de tifus siendo muy niño. También le cuenta que se casó con un diplomático, sin esconderle que su corazón estaba en otro lugar y que esta carta la está escribiendo en su lecho de muerte. En ese momento el pianista comprende por qué, el día anterior, le ha retado a duelo un diplomático vienés.
A paraplegic mistakes a man's pity for love.
En abril de 1939, a bordo de un trasatlántico viaja Jorge, un médico con problemas de alcoholismo. Entre los pasajeros vislumbra a la rubia señora Trevis y recuerda cuando la conoció, siete años antes. (FILMAFFINITY)
An unusually intense and emotional day in the otherwise monotonous life of a woman.
Un famoso pianista recibe una carta de una mujer con la que estuvo, tiempo atras, íntimamente ligado y a la que ya casi no recuerda.
Original Story
Volpone, an elderly Venetian, connives with his money-crazed servant to convince his greedy friends that he is dying, knowing that each will try to curry favor with him in order to be named his heir. He is inundated with valuable gifts, and soon finds himself entangled deeper and deeper in a web of lies.
Siglo XVIII. La princesa de Austria María Antonieta (Shearer) se casa con el delfín de Francia, Luis XVI (Morley), un hombre tan retraído que su relación con la joven es puramente formal. Antonieta se dejará fascinar por las fiestas de París y derrochará el dinero a manos llenas, aunque esta situación no durará mucho. Un drama de época que obtuvo 4 nominaciones a los Oscar: Actriz principal (Norma Shearer), actor secundario (Robert Morley), banda sonora y dirección artística.
A lady who had a secret affair lives in fear.
Dr. Holk leads an isolated and lonely existence in a small, Dutch colony in the tropics. Having fled from love and civilization, his only companions now are alcohol and his work, which takes him to villages ravaged by dirt, fever and a strange illness which turns innocent people into madmen: Amok. One day, he is called on by Helene Haviland, who asks him to abort her lover's child before her husband returns from abroad. Even though Holk is enchanted by her seductive beauty, he haughtily refuses her request. Rejected, the woman turns to a Chinese practitioner. When Holk tracks her down in a dirty dive, it's already too late for the two of them.
Película inspirada en la novela de Stefan Zweig “Carta de una desconocida”. La protagonista es una mujer que es seducida en dos ocasiones por el mismo hombre, sin que éste la reconozca la segunda vez.
One autumn, Edgar, a 12 year old boy, spends a holiday with his mother at a plush hotel in Switzerland. His father, a busy lawyer, remains at the family home in Vienna. When he sees a stylish motorcar pull up at the hotel, Edgar wastes no time befriending its owner, an amiable dandy. The latter pays more attention to the boy’s mother than to the boy himself, and decides to use Edgar to wheedle his way into her affections. When Edgar realises he has been used, he is far from happy...
After the tragic death from malaria of her beloved husband his rich widow Helga Vanroh travels restlessly around various Mediterranean countries. In the luxurious surroundings of a hotel in Monte Carlo Mrs. Vanroh keeps apart from society, until one evening she decides to visit the casino. There a young man attracts her curiosity and compassion.
Adaptación de un novela de Stefan Zweig
"The Fear of an Unfaithful Woman" - Inge Duhan lives with her husband, the lawyer Erich Duhan, and her little daughter Susi in Berlin. Inge is a very attractive woman. She loves her husband and has always been faithful to him. On a holiday trip to the French Riviera Inge meet the charming painter Francard. A brief affair begins that turns into blackmail.
The proprietors of a small inn on the Italian coast suddenly have to cater for a company of conscripts on their way to a nearby port. One of the sergeants recognizes Resa as a former "camp-follower". When her husband hears of this he becomes insanely jealous and decides to join the company.
Christine looks after her ailing mother and toils in a provincial Austrian post office in the years just after the Great War. One afternoon, as she is dozing among the official forms and stamps, a telegraph arrives addressed to her. It is from her rich aunt, who lives in America and writes requesting that Christine join her and her husband in a Swiss Alpine resort. After a dizzying train ride, Christine finds herself at the top of the world, enjoying a life of privilege that she had never imagined. But Christine’s aunt drops her as abruptly as she picked her up, and soon the young woman is back at the provincial post office, consumed with disappointment and bitterness. Then she meets Ferdinand, a wounded but eloquent war veteran who is able to give voice to the disaffection of his generation. Christine’s and Ferdinand’s lives spiral downward, before Ferdinand comes up with a plan which will be either their salvation or their doom.