Ted Steeg


Sin respiro
En 1954, volviendo de la guerra de Corea, Sonny Burns (Jeremy Davies), un corresponsal de guerra, se encuentra en el tren con Tom Casselman (Ben Affleck), un antiguo compañero de clase, que también ha intervenido en el conflicto. A lo largo del viaje rumbo a Indianapolis, su ciudad natal, ambos compartirán recuerdos, pensamientos y hasta encontrarán respuestas a los grandes misterios de la vida.
Mozart in Love
An irreverent take on Mozart's relations with the three Weber sisters: Louisa, whom he loved, but who didn't love him; Constanza, whom he loved and married; and Sophie, who loved him but whom he didn't love. An anthology of arias from Mozart's operas, in which art comments on life through a cheeky use of back-projection and miming to records.
Coffee House Rendezvous
An honest account from kids who enjoy a local coffee house. Church groups, social organizations, and just average teens used the coffee house as a means to get kids off the streets and into a place of mutual ideals and moral ethics.