Ondřej Havelka

Ondřej Havelka

Nacimiento : 1954-10-10, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]


Ondřej Havelka


The Hastrman
A strange nobleman returning after years abroad to a small Bohemian village in the beginning of 19th century. The nobleman feels closer to animals despite looking like a human.
The Hastrman
A strange nobleman returning after years abroad to a small Bohemian village in the beginning of 19th century. The nobleman feels closer to animals despite looking like a human.
Climbing Paradise
The story of the dramatic fate of the Czech climber Josef speck and his comrades, executed by the Nazis in April 1945 in Theresienstadt.
Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice
Based on Gluck's masterpiece and performed entirely on location in and around the environs of the Baroque Theatre at the Cesky Krumlov Castle in the Czech Republic; it's an opera production designed specifically for the film with outstanding sets and production values. Countertenor Bejun Mehta sings the role of the torn main character and acts as an artistic advisor, making for an involving and impeccably performed opera.
Zločin v Posázavském Pacifiku
Zločin v Posázavském Pacifiku
Muži v offsidu
O zámku v podzemí
...ani smrt nebere!
Jiří Oulický
Saturnin je sluha, který se stane pánem svého pána. Mladý muž dobrého společenského postavení a vychování, trochu konzervativní, získá, ne vlastní vinou, sluhu Saturnina. Ten se de facto stane pánem svého zaměstnavatele a způsobí v jeho dosud poklidném životě řadu překvapivých zvratů a situací. Ty by se bez Saturnina daly těžko zvládnout. Už proto ne, že by bez něj pravděpodobně nikdy nenastaly. Saturnin je v Čechách pojmem již několik generací. V roce 1942 napsal spisovatel a novinář Zdeněk Jirotka (1911 až 2003) knížku s tímto názvem a od té doby byla vydána dvanáctkrát. Čtenáři ji milují pro její suchý humor, ne nepodobný "anglickému", množství parodií a nadsázky a zejména pro absurdní situace, do kterých uvádí svérázný sluha Saturnin celé své okolí.
Kafka, la verdad oculta
Friend of Kafka
Praga, 1919. Tras el asesinato de un compañero, Kafka, un empleado de una compañía de seguros, ingresa en un misterioso grupo subversivo.
About the Tap Who Sang at the Opera
Opera singer (voice)
Story about a hard way to the stage. Our hero gives up his job in a restaurant to find fame on fortune at the opera. will he succeed?
Nefňukej, veverko!
Za svědka půjde počítač
It's Not Me
Arnošt Pešek
The Octopuses from the Second Floor
While on vacation with their bickering parents, young Eva and her little brother Johnny find in a polluted lake two strange friendly sentient octopuses made of strange material that attracts electricity. They take them as pets.
Klobouk, měšec a láska
Princezny nejsou vždycky na vdávání
Žáku Kašíku, nežeň se!
učitel Tumlíř
Cesta kolem mé hlavy
Hodina splněných přání
O nosaté čarodějnici
Čertův švagr
Šílený kankán
During the First World War, the crooks Scholef and Krumka sell weapons on the black market. After the collapse of the monarchy they try their hand at speculation on a grand scale.
Incomplete Eclipse
Oční lekár
Marta (Lucie Patikova) was blinded in an accident brought on by her careless and indulgent younger sister. Now in a school for the blind, Marta keeps up her hope that she will one day see again, mainly because her mother - out of good intentions - has led her to believe that the blindness is only temporary. Before long, Marta comes to realize that her condition will last until she dies, and she begins to despair, hating her mother for giving her false hope. Only a dedicated psychologist, Dr. Mos (Oldrich Navratil) seems to have the means of retrieving Marta from her depression.
Pod nohama nebe
Jak se peče štěstí
The Krakonos and the Skiers
Matej and Jenda, two of the eight children of the poor Pelc family in the Giant Mountains, help in a glass works where the oldest brother Francek works. They hide into a tub not to be seen by supervisors checking on the ban of children labor. They miss the Epiphany carol (songs and treats door-to-door) and all neighbor village boys again on them in all the neighbor houses. On their way home they are passed by a fast moving big man with a large backpack. The boys send the customs officers, who are pursuing the strange man, to the opposite direction. The man then thanks them and rewards them the next day. Based on fairy-tales and legends the boys think the man is Krakonos (the giant living and ruling in the Giant Mountains).
Strach má velké oči
Starostův syn Chytrolín
Concert at the End of Summer
A docudrama about four weeks in the life of famous Czech composer Antonin Dvorak. The drama - filled with many of Dvorak's compositions - begins when the composer suddenly decides to cut a concert in London and return home. While on the train, flashbacks reveal his relationship to his wife Anna and her sister Josefina. Both women gave him inspiration, yet Dvorak is clearly troubled in some way as musical excerpts come and go in his creative mind.
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